Thursday, July 31, 2008

Alaska dates

The Dates are June 29, 2009 through July 11, 2009. We fly into Fairbanks spend 5 days on land then board the ship on July 4th.

DAR, I think I am getting the hang of this, scary aint it! Now if I can keep it in my thick skull and remember my ID and password all is well.

Again anyone wanting more info on the trip just e-mail

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Alaska cruise tour

We now have 10 cabins reserved, several from our class and some people we don't know. I am so excited to be part of this trip and I can hardly wait.
If anyone wishes to join us please contact me [] we still have space available.
I went on the cruise part of this trip in 2005 and had a wonderful time, the landscape is spectacular, the food to die for and one of the best trips I think I have ever taken.

Not too much different going on in Bob White Dan's life, we do have the 7th grandchild coming in a few weeks. I never know how much fun they could be. We have 3 living next door to us and the others re in Cincy, makes for a nice get-a-way. The twins are in Scouting, therefore I'm back in myself, having the time of my life. Headed for the National Jamboree in 2010, this is the 100 year anniversary. I have the privilege of designing the patch for our contingent the crossroads of America Council.

In the Scouting world I have changed/added 'Eagle Dan' as well as 'Bob White Dan'. Those involved in Scouting will understand.

I can't key like DAR but I'll try to be better at making an appearance on the blog occasionally.

Bob White Dan

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Puppy Whisperer

Unbelieveable! This is the fourth time I've tried to publish this video and comments about it, and every time I've pushed the "Publish Post" button, the video and my comments have been eaten by the internet monster!
I saw and enjoyed the video, and knew you'd enjoy it too.
I don't care much for the guy's singing, but you cannot argue with results... the puppies obviously think his voice is soothing!

I'm still frustrated by the lack of photos of "The Melon Queen" and her subjects, Bo. I like melons... Big melons, small melons, melons of all shapes and sizes. I was thinking last night, there are lots of melons in the world, and I don't think I've ever been around any I didn't like. So if you're back in the area of the Kroger store today, please thank the Queen for all of us... she's doing a wonderful job!

That's enough of my "fertilizer".
It's Friday...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sunday After Church

Hot summer Sundays...
We all vividly remember the days before Air Conditioning. We'd drive to and from Church with the 4-65 AC in the car, and look forward to a fan moving the hot air around at home.

Another pretty vivid memory I have is looking forward to our family's summertime after Church ritual...
We'd get home, and Mom would mix up a batch of "Reymer's Blennd". It was a Kool-aid like citrus drink, and on those hot days it sure gave us something to look forward to when we got home.

It may be available on
Mom, does that look like the gen-u-ine article? If so, I'll order us a couple gallons.

Friday, July 18, 2008

July 18- Friday Forum

Yeah, another song I've sung at the top of my lungs... to the great embarrassment of a certain friend and VK, I think.
Admit it... you sang it too. Probably better than me though.

I have good news, and maybe referring to my good news will beat the bushes so you can share in it... I heard from "the lost classmate"!
As John Daly used to say... "Lost classmate, enter and sign in, please!"
(Watch comments to this post.)

TGIF... It's Friday, so it's also time to pipe up. Got anything to share with us?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Count Me In!

(You'll know if it's you I'm talking to!)
I don't know if you ever come by "Vandy's Kids", so you may not even see this post, but I think of you more often than you might imagine. I'm hopeful you are a "lurker" who comes by once in a while to check us out, never leaving a comment... lots of folks behave that way.

I was poking around "YouTube" today... saw and played this tune and the memories came rushing back...

The 6o minute kiss, just to see if we could do it.
Breathing through one another's nose during that kiss... just to see if we could do it.

The long, late night motorcycle rides to WIFE's "Window on the World" and then around downtown... rides so long our butts would get numb and we'd have trouble walking when we dismounted the bike.

You wanting me to sing "Count Me In" at the top of my lungs when we'd hear it on the radio.

Yeah, we had a pretty tempestuous relationship at times, but it was always fun making up, wasn't it? We haven't seen one another for decades. I'd love to know how life is treating you!
Now VK's, indulge me while I turn VERY serious and scold TwoDogs for a moment.
A couple weeks ago Cinders sent me a note with bad news. I expected TD to publish a post asking for your prayers, and since he hasn't, I will. (Now you can chew on me, TD!)
Her young cousin, Matt Wheeler, had been badly burned in a refueling accident in Iraq. Initial information was sketchy, but we all knew if Matt was really serious the ARMY would transport him to the Burn Center at Ft. Sam Houston quickly. Matt was in San Antonio as soon as they could safely get him there. He's burned over 60 percent of his body and has been on a roller coaster trying to stay alive. He's a tough kid... showing a strong will to live. You can go to this website and click where you see "Read Journal" to catch up on Matt's injury and treatment up to this point, or click "Visit Guestbook" to read the messages others have left, praying for and supporting him and his family. This kid is still in a heap of medical trouble and can use all the good vibrations we can send his way, so leave a message yourself if you are touched.

Thank you all. Now...
It's "Open forum Friday". Give us your news!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy Fourth and Some Cool Pics

About a year ago fellow classmate Greybeard turned me onto this great military page. Dennis does a wonderful job and gives credit where it is due. He does a bang up job on the Navy pages.
I have had alot of enjoyment looking at the fantastic pictures and reading the descriptions.
One of the pictures, of the Kitty Hawk coming into Pearl, I was there and it was an amazing sight. She looked a little tired, as she had been headed for retirement, but due to a huge fire on another carrier, she is being kept active for action for a bit longer to participate in Rimpac. She may have looked a little worn, but her sailors are still very proud of her and you can see them all at attention on her deck. Had a problem with water in the eyes that morning. People were lined up along her route to pay homage to the last Diesel Carrier and all her history. In the background you can see the famous Ford Island and the Missouri and Pearl Harbor Memorial your fellow classmates visited. They stayed on Ford Island, in the old hospital that has been remodeled into a hotel, and a beautiful place it is, and they enjoyed being right in the middle of so much history.
On the next picture down, my better half and I got to watch the oiler go out that day to refuel the Kitty Hawk, which is a amazing feat in itself as neither ship stops in the water during the process.
The next picture down, Greybread might find it a little interesting for sure. What's that on her deck?
You can imagine how full Pearl Harbor is with so many extra ships and subs and of course, we did our yearly 4th of July trip through Pearl to pay our respects to all of our fine servicemen.
There were so many ships, you couldn't stir them with a very big stick. And from so many countries.
With all the military from our class and many of our parents also, that were in the service, I hope you enjoy the pictures.

And Greybeard, thanks again, for showing me this site.

DailyAviator ยป Navy

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Thoughts and Prayers

BobWhiteDan doesn't do blogs.
He informed me they take too much time.
So he won't see this post, or comments that follow.
But today following the "Hump Day Quote" he normally sends out to many of us on Wednesdays was the following request:

"Please keep me and our family in your prayers, we bury Dad tomorrow."

Put Dan and Edna in your thoughts and prayers today. Call, write, email... and let them hear from you.