Friday, June 10, 2022

Linda (Barks) Douglass

Poking around on Facebook I found a post from her daughter informing others that Linda Barks passed on 7 January.
I had a nice chat with Two Dogs yesterday about Tom Tuley and the fact we will now lose more and more schoolmates/classmates and other loved ones.
Mend fences.
Contact those that need to hear from you.

I think you'll be glad you did.

Monday, June 06, 2022

Thomas Eugene Tuley

 I cannot remember when I first noticed him.
He had a BASS voice and was one of those personalities that wasn't fearful of what others would think of him.
In short, he was a HOOT. And I loved the guy.
We hit it off instantly.

His Mother was controlling. And that was odd, because the guy seemed to be out on the vanguard so much of the time. But when I would say "Tom, let's do... such and such..." he would have to go ask his Mother.
And she would throw a wet blanket on my (our) plans.
Still, he was a magnet. And I loved being around him.

The summer between our Junior and Senior High School year his girlfriend got pregnant. He shouldered his responsibility... married her. Supported her.
And gained the respect of all those that knew him.

I have stayed in touch with Tom all these years. He moved to Texas, and that made our home a great "stopping-off" place when he would drive from Texas to visit family in Indy.
I LOVED these visits. They gave me the chance to catch up on my old friend and what had transpired in his life since our last meeting.

Two Dogs, John T. and I went to Galveston to visit Tom years ago. The narrative of our stay in Galveston, and photos, are here for your perusal. Just write "Galveston" in the search block here.

I loved the man.
Born on "Friday the 13th" of November, he was just two months older than me.
At 75, we are all blessed to see another dawn.
But Tom was "larger than life in many ways", and his death has somewhat taken the wind out of my sails.

Rest in peace my friend.
You made my life better having been a part of it.