Friday, July 07, 2006

Window On The World

It's a July Friday night......
Clear, warm, and dry.

I don't know about you, but in '63, '64, and '65, when these conditions prevailed, I'd frequently find myself in front of the WIFE "Window On The World" on North Meridian Street, writing a request and dedication on a piece of paper to show to the DJ.

I smile, thinking back on it.......
I never, ever felt threatened in downtown Indianapolis.
Maybe I was too naive to realize the danger there, but it was normal during the summertime to ride my motorcycle to town with my steady date behind me, even in the wee hours of the morning.

We've discussed WIFE's impact on our lives before.
It was a huge part of my life.......from the moment they started broadcasting and I switched from listening to WIBC.

How about you....
Any memories to share?


the golden horse said...

I sure remember listening to the music of WIFE. I never went to the window on the world, but enjoyed while sitting at the Kitchen (remember the double K with cheese) not to be beat, or at Jerry's.
I remember once when 16, sitting on the beach at Daytona and picking up the Chicago station with my little transistor radio and thought that I was no longer alone.

BoMarGirl said...

I listened to WIFE many hours. They had crazy contests and gimmicks. Do you remember "The Big Kahuna"?

When I watched "American Graffiti" it made me remember WIFE.

Flygirl said...

WIFE - Were they the station that had a treasure hunt of some sort in the late 60's?

I remember listening to the radio and following obscure hints to find a house that had some amount of money as a prize!

It seems that it was on Saturday...for most of the day, until the treasure house was found. I was in a car once with some kids, and we were racing around neighborhoods on the west side of Indy. We kept running into (not literally) other car loads of kids trying to find the house.

I never found the treasure house, but it sure was fun! The gimmick didn't last long...there were probably too many car accidents...ha!

Does anybody remember this wacky contest...was it on WIFE?

I remember the Window on the world!

I also remember a call-in contest where you recorded your voice saying: "WIFE is first (or something) with me". Then the station played these recordings, and if you recognized your voice, you'd call in and win something.

I called in a made my recording (that's how bored I was). My Mom recognized my voice one day on the radio and almost wrecked her car. Needless to say, I missed calling in to claim my prize. But it sure made my Mom's day to hear me on the radio...ha!

Great times and Great Songs!

BoMarGirl said...

Fly - I remember the "treasure hunt" on WIFE and being on the west side of Indy too. They kept giving clues on WIFE as to where the prize was located. Since we were not at all familiar with the west side of Indy, I think we just drove in circles, then gave up and went to a drive in on the west side. Of course, I would remember the "food" part of the day! I don't remember what the prize I didn't know or remember "E" heard your voice on the radio - HE! HE! Sure would have liked to have seen her face. Do you remember "Come on Down to my Boat Baby"? That should be your and HB's song!

GOLDEN HORSE - How much were those Double K burgers at The Kitchen? 50 cents? And fries, 25 cents and all the memories....too many but oh how much fun! I was with someone once who after getting their tray of food, rolled down the window and everything dumped out on the ground....snow at the time! I think it was a real smart "Greenwood guy".

GB - I never was adventurous enough to go to the "window on the world". I don't think I knew there was a world north of the circle. But when listening to the "window on the world" I pictured it in my mind; but I didn't know to picture GREYBREARD there on his cycle..... WITH A GIRL! I know a few of us would have had some fun with that if we had known; good thing for you that we didn't, GB.

Anonymous said...

I shop at the store with the mike on the door