Thursday, January 25, 2007

Three Score

"It's your birthday...
Get busy!"

Today is my 60th. It's likely if you are reading this, you've already celebrated your 60th, or you will soon.
I reserve the right to blog the subject to death later. In the meantime, correct me if I'm wrong-
Jackie P's 60th was 24 January.
Gary S's is tomorrow, 26 January.
IE, isn't he your cousin? Phone, email, write, beat a path to his door, and wish him "happy birthday" for me, will ya?
TPO's B-Day will be here in 9 days.

So for the rest of you I can only say, "so far, so good." I've been 60 for half a day now, and I think I like it!


Top Cat said...

Happy birthday old man. You made it. It just so happens I'm married to an older lady. Sharons is March 24. It sure dosen't feel that long. Time sure is flying by. Seems like only yesterday we were walking the halls at good ol CG. We need to be slowing down and enjoy life and friends alot more. Can't wait to see everyone in Florida. We can discuss the Hawaii possibility also. That would be great too. I just have alot of trips going this year. Sharon and I leave next weekend for a week in Phoneix and Tuscon. Then the middle of March I'm going to Texas for a fishing trip. Then the end of April Sharon and I go to the Bahamas and then fly over to Florida with you guys. Then !st week of June Sharon and I are in Colorado for a week of four wheeling in the mountains and trout fishing. Then middle of Sept. I'm back to Colorado for a week Elk hunting with bow. Then middle of October back to Texas Deer hunting and Fishing. December need to go back to Bahamas. Oops forgot middle of May in Minnesota fishing. Between all this have to go to the Farm mushroom hunting, fishing and deer hunting. Also October a week in Paris Tn. Deer hunting. Plus I still have to work.Whew but we will try Hawaii too. Again happy birthday and have a great day. Remember on your birthday you always get a great cheeseburger. Are we really that old?

BoMarGirl said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Remember Harlo Higgenlooper on Channel 4? I'm singing "Happy Birthday" to you just like he did!(What a treat) TwoDogs and Tools have had their 60th; mine is the day after. But I didn't know you get a cheeseburger on your birthday....I'll have to make up for that asap; thanks Top Cat.

Hawkeye said...

Happy Birthday GB,
So happens today is me & hotlips 38th wedding anniversary. I won't be 60 for another 7 months, just a pup. Enjoy your day.

Greybeard said...

I forgot you had honored me by taking your vows on my B-Day!
Kiss that bride for me until I see her next!

TwoDogs said...

Happy, Happy - GB.

Hope you enjoyed your day! See Ya in 3 months.


TwoDogs said...

Cinders and I honored you the same way.... Congrats, Hawk and HotLips!

the golden horse said...

Wow what a special day.
HF has his b'day this week also.
I get to pass that milestone in Aug. Always a special day, used to be the first day of squirrel season and football practice.
I hope you get to enjoy everything your heart desires on this special day.

Flygirl said...

Happy B-Day GB! Just enjoy it and don't fret about it. We're all with you, ahead of you or just behind you! Me, I get to put it off until September, if I remember it! My memory fades a little each day, and I think I like that!
Happy Birthday and may you have many more.
And Happy Anniversay to you guys out there!

Purple Tabby said...

Happy Birthday GB! I still have a few months as a 59er and I'm using that time to follow your excellent example of getting back in shape.

Thank you so much for taking the lead and pointing the way. I'm determined to enter my 60s as Purple Tabby Lite(r)

Congrats to Hawkeye, Hot Lips, Two Dogs and Cinders! It sure doesn't seem like 38 years,,, or does it???

Carol said...


I'm with a few others that I'll stay 59 till August.

A few years ago my girlfriend and I decided we would stay 39. Well, that was fine until the kids started getting older than we were.

I don't think being 60 is going to bother me as much as turning 30 did. I thought I was over the hill and ready for the retirement home. Since then, I've realized that the older I get, being 60 is really young. Ha.

Hope everyone is doing well.

GO COLTS !!!!!

Hawkeye said...

Who is the baby of our class ? I see Flygirl birthday is in Sept. What day in Sept.? Can anyone beat it?

the golden horse said...

I think we have a couple in Oct.
Mary Jane and Gary P I think might be two of them.