Some of you may not have read this post from my blog.
I don't know if I was successful making my point there-
as a society we're never happy with anything anymore,
and our weight is one of the things we obsess about.
I'm not immune.
Pastry is my drug of choice.
I love donuts. Sara Jean makes a yellow cake and adds a banana to it, just to insure I never succeed in losing weight. She also makes absolutely the best peanut butter cookies in the world, (are they pastries?)
Fat pills... safe and effective when used as directed.
But there are all sorts of ways to cheat on a diet, and there are as many ways to lie to yourself about how successful/unsuccessful you are at it. Karen Carpenter and the anorexic teens I refer to in my blog link have convinced themselves they'd be more attractive if they'd "just lose a couple more pounds", and in doing so deny their bodies the nutrients it/they need(s) to sustain a healthy heartbeat. What sort of mental trick do these people play on themselves, screwing up their self-image to the point where they look at the emaciated reflection in the mirror and still see a person that needs to lose weight?
Confession time for Greybeard:
It's Lent.
Our local Catholic Church prepares fish dinners for sale to our community all during Lent. The fish is great. Cole slaw, baked beans, hush puppies, onion rings, and baked potatoe (Quayle) all included.
All this at a price you can't refuse.
I ate it. I ate it late last night. I was afraid it would show up on the scale at my Saturday morning weigh-in. So when I got home from work this morning, I convinced myself it would be okay to skip the weigh-in and go to bed, then get on the scale when I got up this afternoon.
And that's exactly what I did. Is that cheating? It's certainly a game I decided to play with myself.
And another confession:
I took off my watch before getting on the scale... after all, it weighs three-or-so ounces, right?!
See what I mean? This self-image business makes us more than a little crazy.
Now, the GBFR results:
Last week, 198.
This week-
Dut duh duh dut, duh duh DAAAAAAAAH!
So I'm back on my schedule, although I'm ashamed of myself.
The whole idea of this stupid diet was to lose the weight nice and easy, so I don't damage anything, and to slowly get to where I have established habits to help me MAINTAIN.
Please, help me! Comment and tell me if I'm seeing something in the mirror that's not there.
Off topic, and to start you commenting on ANYTHING you damn well please:
A few of us got a very nice note from Marren S. this week. She came to VK and started reading, and was delighted to have some memory sparks prodded.
Welcome Marren, and thanks for your comments!
Now dear, please click the word "comments" below and tell us what memories you have to share!
To close... an enticement.
Those of you coming to the DDFF will be able to sample Sara Jeans "world's best" peanut butter cookies. We'll go for a walk afterwards to work them off.
It'll be a gas!
GB - ATTA BOY!! I am so proud of your weight loss! You are inspiring me; however, I am just like you and LOVE all sweets. When I have seriously dieted (is that a word)? I did not eat ANY sweets and eventually I did not want them. It ain't easy but I think sugar is addicting. So, if you could stay totally off for a while I think you would not want those peanut butter cookies so much.
The photo of the donuts reminds me of a day that I went to a grand opening of a grocery store and a lady approached me with a full tray of donuts and said, "would you like "A" a donut"? I wanted to grab the entire tray and run!
But stay the course, you are reaching your goal week by week...and I am inspired by your determination.
Thanks, GB, for the warm welcome. I have been reading all your blogs and all the comments, too. I'm about half way done. Saw news on some classmate passings and have learned a lot about some of you. I will start slowly. I have a blog of my own and if I comment, will you be able to click on my name and see my blog? Not exactly sure how this works. So I'll give it a try and if I screw me please!!! Anyhow, I started my own blog with a few memories I have: drive-in movies, corvairs, and Mr. Cline the basketball coach at CG. ...Marren
So wonderful to hear from you,"Joker". I've thought of you over the years and hoped you were happy and well. You've always been a sweet girl in my book. Hope to hear more of your memories when you have time.
Later tater,
GB - You know, if your face gets those big dips in it you can have fat taken out of your (where ever) and they put in in your face!!
Greybeard, I’m just so proud of you! You can do anything!
But I want you to know and feel some pain about the fact that I gained weight just reading about Sara Jean's peanut butter cookies.
It's the truth, GB
Come to Destin.
Together, we'll burn calories in paradise.
GB you keep prodding PT to come to the DDFF. How can she refuse with the offer of melt-in-your-mouth peanut butter cookies? I know I'll be lining up like a Sinner on Sunday taking Communion with those cookies. OMG!!!
AND...ANOTHER CONGRATS ON YOUR WEIGH-IN! Hey, dump the guilt! We all have enough to think and worry about...
I'm with you on the Anorexic Business. Please, give me about a month with that disorder. Then maybe I could "maintain" the weight loss.
My Monday Confession: Last night I popped and ate a bag of micro wave pop corn...then, I ate a king-size Snicker's candy bar...All while watch Arsnic & Old Lace on TCM. I'm a mess when it comes to old movies, popcorn & Snicker's. No way did I get on a scale this morning!!!
Just remember to keep thinking THIN!
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