I'm dyin'.
No wait... these days someone might take that seriously. I'm not dyin' any faster than you are.
Lemme explain-
We are in Mesa, Arizona.
How we got here is why I'm complainin'.
It's amazing what computers have done for us. The fact that you have tuned in here at Vandy's Kids means you are at least partially aware of what I'm talkin' about. One of the wonderful things you can do with your keyboard is buy airline tickets cheap. I bought mine by bidding on Priceline.com. Those of you that have used Priceline will know the routine... you literally make an offer to pay a certain amount for your travel, and Priceline carries that offer to several airlines to see who, if anyone, is interested in carrying you from Point A to Point B for what you have offered. Before I go to Priceline I generally go to a couple airline sites to see what the trip would cost normally, then I'll offer half that amount on Priceline. Sometimes it works, sometimes Priceline will come back with a counter-offer. This time we ended up with tickets for about 60% of what we would have normally paid, but there was a catch- the flight took off at 6:30 A.M..
Getting to the airport takes two hours. I always plan for 90 minutes getting through the new security measures. So, working backward from a 6:30 takeoff, we started this trek at 2:30 A.M. yesterday, after about 3 hours of sleep.
All went without a hitch.
The airplane took off on time. We had a stopover and change of airplanes in Dallas. When we got to Mesa, our baggage was waiting for us. Hertz, (also reserved via computer), did their part and lent us a compact car.
But with three hours sleep under our belts, we were beginning to drag...
While our bodies were saying we had been awake for 12 hours, the clocks here in Arizona were saying it was only Noon.
Big Bubba had left us a key to get into his apartment, so we let ourselves in and closed our eyes for about an hour before he got home. When he arrived, he had the film crew in tow-
Director, cameraman, light man, sound man. They are on a mission...
They have an itinerary they are following in order to get the shots they want before they leave tomorrow. Time is short. The Director is barking orders, getting everyone in place to move his story along. Mom and Dad are gonna be part of this thing...
"Mom, sit next to Big Bubba and show him the things you have brought from home."
"Dad, can you comment on what Big Bubba has done to his apartment since you were last here?"
It's organized chaos.
All Sara Jean and I want is to get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
After the film work is done, Big Bubba has planned a get-together. Several of his friends from work stop by. All the friends he has made in the area stop by. Finding a place to sit down begins to be problematic. I'm so tired I can no long stifle my yawning. I'm feigning interest in conversations. Sara Jean gives up and goes to bed. I'm trying to hang on and be the good soldier. After another hour, I fall asleep sitting on the sofa in front of the eight-or-so remaining guests.
I'm so tired I don't care... surely they understand I've had 4 hours sleep in 48 hours, right?
It's Saturday morning as I type this. Sunny and already about 80 degrees outside, it'll be above 90 degrees before the day is done. The film crew is scheduled to arrive at 9 A.M. to complete their shooting needs. When they're gone, normal visiting with our son can begin.
So, back to the Greybeard Fat Report.
There's not a scale in sight. I'm so tired, I still feel as if someone beat me up. After eating all that was available at the party last night, I'm unsure I'd want to get on a scale if one was available.
So my report to you is that there will not be a report this week.
Next Saturday I'll try and see if I can report a weight of 190.
Stay tuned- Let's see if I can make it.
What's goin' on with ya?
Got any news?
Share it here, please!
Well, I've got some news. As I mentioned before, my daughter lives in Ft Walton Beach, FL. and has been trying to get me to move there for a couple of years now. So several months ago I decided I would do just that. A few weeks ago, she informed me, she & her boyfriend were looking at jobs in Charleston, SC. He found one and this weekend they moved him there. She is back home, but her house is for rent and she is trying desperately to find a job in SC. She wants me to move to SC, too.
OMG! What to do, what to do.
Anyhow, I'm still planning to go to FL sometime this month, unless someone rents her house. In which case she'll temp. move into her boyfriend's parents house (then I won't go to FL). I'm shooting for the end of April-first week of May so I can see all you DDFF'ers!!!
Cross your fingers, that I get to go to FL before she moves to SC.
AND....if I don't sell some dogs, I'm not going anywhere. HA!
Sell those puppies and come to Florida. I've got my fingers crossed....
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