(Hot steamy air is good for that!)
How many classmates, schoolmates, and friends are now stoppin' by here at VK?
Twelve or so participate on a reasonably active basis. Checkin' the sitemeter, I know several more are lurking... reading, and for whatever reason, won't stick their necks out.
I'm fairly certain of my next comment:
This class, because of its size and because of world events when we graduated, has always been special. And reading/hearing comments from Bo and others about the spirit exhibited by other H.S. classes, I'd bet our class is closer and has more esprit than most.
There is a core group of people we can thank for that-
those people that planned and organized all the class reunions since we graduated.
At the top of that list, of course, is TwoDogs.
A little background here:
TD and I were never what you would call "close" during our school years. I respected and liked him, and I think he felt pretty much the same about me. We have grown closer over the last several years, and I have had a first-hand chance to see how much work, how much detail TD has applied, trying to locate classmates, then stay in touch with them. Let me emphasize this...
The wonderful things that are happening to our class now would NOT be happening, were it not for our class President! We picked a good one!
TD, thank you from all of us!
But "Thanks" can be spread around to others, and I'm gonna leave it to TD to fill in my blank spots, 'cause I know I'll leave several out. Please, TD, (and anyone else that knows), mention anyone I forget so we can also applaud them!
BobWhiteDan, Linda B-K, Dale, Indy Echo, Hawkeye...
Those are some of the folks off the toppa my head that were on committees to try to insure we had a great time when we got together, and left us all with very fond memories.
To all of you:
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
"There are big ships and small ships. But the best ship of all is friendship." ~Author Unknown
Thank You, GB! But, over the years, there have been many people responsible for us staying connected as a Class. Dan F. has put in alot of time and effort for the Class of 65. Thank You, Dan. We may not have held together without you. Dan and Edna hosted some of earlier planning meeting as did Cindy and I. A few more names of note - Dale and Bev, Mary Jane and Jack, Suzan H, Marty, Kathy R., Bob D., Tom O'., Dave J., Karen S., Jeannie B., & Steve L., Linda B has been a real gem for 40+ years. Every time that I have asked LB for help - she has responded. I know that I have left a few names out here - Please forgive me. All of these folks have been a very important part of keeping the Class of 65 together and connected. Thank You all..
Early on, we formed teams and selected Team Leaders. Every 5 years, someone would call and ask what we were doing for our 5 year Reunion. Generally, that person would be the first Team Leader selected. Then, I would just start calling around to find a good core group to start with. It seemed to be the same faces every 5 years though. Before the internet, w/o those same face every 5 years or so, it would have been a real struggle to stay as connected as we have. God Bless them all! If they ever got tired of me calling - they never let on - at least, not to me. The last few years, it has been much easier to find and contact classmates because of the net. It also seemed to be easier to find consensus via a phone call or two and the planning took alot less people. We have been able to ‘find’ folks that I thought were lost forever. PJ – are ya listening? For the most part, I think we have reconnected with all of our classmates that want to be reconnected with us. There may be a few, though, that we haven’t reached. It’s never too late. We will keep trying.
Then came the first small gatherings at Suzy's and Karen's and then along came Vandy's Kids and the rest is history! A Great Big Thank You should go to Dar, Kathy, Suzy, and Karen for the 'Rest of the Story'. The Minis have been the greatest!
What we have found here and through the years as the Class of 65 is that - “When the silences are no longer awkward, you know you are around friends." And there are not many silent moments when we get together!
A few words can say it all. And I think you said it very well.
We want to thank (YOU) for all you have done and your dedication to the class of 65. No one could have done a better job. And those of us who have (helped a little) couldn't have done it without you.
It has been a pleasure and fun to help out in any little way we have.
You can alway count on me if there is anything that I can ever do.
Am really looking forward to the up coming Oct mini. Hope it will be as successful and as much fun as the past ones have been.
Hope to see some new faces this year. Shifty and I can use as much help as possible in spreading the word and getting everyone here.
TD, I have a question, have you ever spoken to Ron Warner?
Bo, You mean Richard, I think, don't you?
Yes, I have talked with him several times over the years. The last time - was a personal phone call to him before our 40th. I talked with his wife at that time to make sure that they got the Reunion information. She said that they had.
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