Saturday, August 18, 2007

Center Grove Television?

Center Grove Television!


Greybeard said...

I just noticed-
2200 students in grades 9 thru 12!
"We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto!"

Purple Tabby said...

Do you think we should add information about our Blog to wikipeadia?

Hmmmm. Something tells me "NO" but then what would be the harm?

If we decide "yes", I vote for Greybeard to do it.

The Joker said...

If you say yes, it wouldn't be just those that graduated in the mid 60's and their teachers, anymore. It would be so many others that we don't know and have never heard of and may not even like and this could turn into a free-for-all, people bashing, etc.

Whoever started this blog (GB, PT, TD ? not sure) should have the final say, put I kind of like it the way it is now (my opinion, only).

You could start a second blog for CG grads and keep this one to ourselves.

I'm just putting my 2 cents worth in.

Greybeard said...

From my personal viewpoint, I have shared things here that I'd like not to be known by John Q. Public...
more detail by far than I have put on my own blog.
I like the family atmosphere here.
As much as I'd like to have more participation from everyone, I have to admit the way VK has grown slowly has been a comfort.
Sure, we have a very open "inclusion" policy, but we can keep that on an individual approval basis.
I'm with Joker-
Let's try to keep this an intimate "Trojan" kinda thing.

Greybeard said...

Just re-read my above comment and realized I didn't communicate my thoughts very well.
I'm fully aware that anything I publish on the 'net will be public knowledge, and things I reveal here will be able to be read by anyone. My point is that in keeping this blog within our "family", it's pretty unlikely to be interesting enough to outsiders for them to read in detail. I'm comfortable sharing the "uncomfortable", so long as I know the blog is too focused on CGHS to be interesting to most folks.
(And that's why we're all using pseudonyms too, isn't it?!)

Purple Tabby said...

you are right. Wiki could open us up to too many folks we don't know.