Lesson #1
Web Worms
Did you know that web worms will not kill at tree? Even if every tree within a hundred mile radius looks like it's wearing a psycho-hairnet of them?
Yep, that's what the Extension Agent said. Apparently it's been raining web worms this year because she said there are more of them because of the rain.
AND she told me that if you open up the web, the birds will eat all of those little green guys. If the web is too thick to open, you have to use something called “BT” OR just cut the branch out -- liquid bug killer just drips off the web.
Isn't that interesting? I knew you would think so.
Lesson #2
Old Photos
I've found a ton of photos, some all the way back to the 6th grade. Those good ol' black and whites seemed to have survived very well. There are at least a ton of color photos that have faded and turned yellow; another ton or two that are photos of unrecognizable objects ,,, a tree? a mountain?? the Grand Canyon?? Who knows.
So the plan WAS to cull out the ones I plan to take to the nursing home and toss the rest. Then take the keepers, scan them and make a CD.
Now comes the tricky part of the lesson. What to do with the slides? I have quite a few but Mother has a blue zillion boxes of slides she wants me to organize and put on CD. I checked a couple of commercial places that to that and they want about 50 cents a piece if you have up to 5000! I'm pretty sure that makes it 2,500 buckeroos.
Anyone know how to do this without spending an arm and a leg?
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Purple Tabby,
This might sound strange but here is my suggestion: use a slide projector to display the slides to a screen and then use a digital camera (on a tripod with a short delay on the trigger to minimise shake) to take individual digital photographs. Using a Kodak carousel projector with 80 slides, you can capture 10 photographs per minute.
It's an idea and cheaper than $2,500 buckaroos.
Hmmmm. Ya know, that might just work.
Thanks Asoka.
PT Maybe pick out your absolute favorites and have them done at 50 cents each and do the rest with the great idea of photographing the rest. Mrs. Hawk
There has got to be an alternative. I'm assuming you've already poked around on the net, but one of the first places I checked will do it for $.39 each. Small comfort, that 11 cents.
There are shareware programs available for a few bucks that will allow you to do it yourself... again I assume these would take a little computer knowledge to get the job done, but you seem to do pretty well "wingin it" when you don't have the foggiest idea what your doin'!
Lastly... I know I can use my scanner and save photos on my computer's hard drive. There has got to be a way to take them from the hard drive and put them on DVD, surely.
I'll talk with a few geek friends and relay their input. We'll get this job done someway, somehow.
If you already have the pictures in digital form (on your hard drive), use NERO or Roxio Easy Creator (I prefer Roxio). They will allow you make a slide show DVD with menus, music and all kind of neat features.
If you have not got them in digital form yet, there are slick little boxes that hook up to a digital camera and allow you to convert slides and/or film. Check eBay item 270160132625 for an example of one.
I think that little black box will do the trick.
And Roxio looks like it will allow lots of creativity on the cd/dvd
Thanks so much. I was getting close to gathering the family, passing around the slides and telling them to memorize them!
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