Friday, April 18, 2008

Alien Song

You've probably seen this. For those of you that haven't, enjoy!

Now, it's Friday!
Share something with us.


Anonymous said...

Hadn't seen it. Couldn't be any better..... what with the sparkly ball and all. Hey, did anyone feel the QUAKE this morning? I woke up about that time but didn't know anything about the shaking. They say to watch the dogs and cats ....."Buddy" (master of the house) was still in a prone position on his size X-Large pillow bed, so apparently he wasn't to disturbed. Might check with my agent on Q insurance again, it was pretty reasonable yesterday, but hard to tell if available today. Everyone have a good weekend ..... see some of you next Saturday @ CGHS.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I felt the quake alright. I had felt other quakes but never heard the roar before. I thought at first it was thunder but soon realized it wasn't thundering. The thought of a tornado also crossed my mind. When my bed starting shaking I new it was a quake. It took a good 30 minutes or more before my knees quit shaking!

I had planned to attend the alumni banquet; but, now I won't be able to. Sara and I are going to ISU on Sunday. She will be presented with the Communication Disorders Outstanding Undergraduate award. I'm very proud of her and wouldn't miss the awards program for anything. I hope you all have a good time at the banquet. Hope to see you in the fall.


Samarpan David said...

Outstanding Undergraduate! Wow!

Congratulations to Sara! It is so great to share in and feel that pride in your children's achievements.

And what's that phrase? Something like, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree? So, congratulations to you, too!

Anonymous said...

asoka, thank you! I really appreciate your comments. I think the "fruit" will grow into a beautiful tree.
