(in)ability to heal.
The moon is about 90% full and the sky is clear.
At 1500 feet we could see the lights of the big city from over 40 miles... it's a gorgeous night to fly... with the moon so bright it's almost a lie to log the flight as a "night flight"!
Looking at the big, bright moon set me to thinking...
Can you see "the man in the moon"? I can. I see a wide-eyed man either expressing shock, or he's whistling, I can't tell.
Some claim not to be able to see him. TD falls into that category, although he may be pulling our leg. I also once had a flight nurse that claimed she couldn't see him even after I drew her a picture of what I see and took it and her out into the bright moonlight to compare it to the real thing.
If they truly cannot see him, I feel a little sorry for them.
I've talked with a few of you about our white-tail deer problem. We have does out the wazoo around our property... it's not at all surprising to see 18 or so in the field catty-corner from our home.
They have begun to attack my garden. They eat the tops of my corn plants so they won't tassle. They've completely eaten both my cucumber plants. They've even nibbled on a few of my tomato plants, and I didn't think they had any interest in tomatoes! So far, they don't seem to have any interest in my peppers.
We've discussed how to dissuade them from coming near our garden with anyone who will listen.
We've tried several suggestions...
Safeguard soap around the perimeter. We've tried human hair. We've tried urinating all around the garden... (best done at night when the moon is not so bright!)
This year someone said the fool proof way was to plant Marigolds all around... that the deer can't stand the smell of 'em. That seemed to make sense... I don't like the smell of Marigolds either.
So I spent good money on 12 plants and planted them all around.
Didn't work...
The damage you've read above was done in spite of the smelly flowers.
So help me here... short of staying awake 24 hours a day and shooting the animals that approach my garden plot, how do I convince them to stay away?
I'm gonna lie down and try to get a little sleep.
But first, you know the routine...
My calendar says it's 5 June, 2009, and it's FRIDAY!
Give us your deer solutions, or share anything you'd like to share.
Well GB,
I have heard of a few things to try.
Short of tying that killer dog of yours to a cornstalk, you might try these suggestions.
Hair from the hair dressers spread around the place.
Bar of strong smelling hand soap on a stick nearby. I heard Ivory works.
Electric fence, but that takes the sport out of it.
Chicken manure. But that might keep you out. Have you smelled chicken manure?
Moth balls.
White cord with strips of sheets tied to it around the area.
Same thing with plastic bags.
Then there is a black mesh deer guard that you can put over the garden area.
On a different note, but still on the garden subject.
After two looooonnnnnnngggg years, I finally harvested my first pineapple. Yes, you heard it here. From the very same plant you saw when here. Now I have started my second one. I now know what it means to stagger your crops. At this rate, we should plant one a month to keep them coming.
We cut it last night and it was the juicest and sweetest pineapple I think we have ever eaten. My better half ate until he almost got acid burns.
Oh yeah, also, there is a natural deer repellant from a Swedish formula made in the USA. 100% natural.
It also works against moose, if you happen to have any.
Don't know if any will work for you, but it sure would be fun to be a little squirrel in a tree watching you try these things.
Let me know how this all plays out with the neighbors watching you.
Happy Deer Hunting,
Heck yeah...I can see the Man on the Moon. I love full moons--the kind in the sky; not the ones pressed against the windows of a passing van. (Well, those are pretty funny though.)
Today is my RDO (regular day off) since I work a compressed work schedule. I need to paint and reupholster my daughter's little rocking chair so I can give it to one of my new granddaughters tomorrow. During sanding, I discovered a loose arm, so I better glue that before I start painting.
It's a beautiful Friday. The one thing that would make it perfect would be if I had some fresh strawberries out of our garden to make shortcake with. But no strawberries this year. My husband and his gardening buddy need lessons in keeping strawberry plants alive.
Gotta go find some Elmer's...happy Friday to all.
When lving in WV, I obsrved many gardeners using electric fence.
How about a dog that is mean placed near your garden plot?
Mr. L
I goofed on some spelling errors of the above. I will blame it on "old" age.
Mr. L
Deer don't like eggs. use a sprayer and apply
how about a scarecrow or two?
Mr. L-
Where should I find this "mean dog"?
And once we've found him, how do we avoid trying to spoil him and take the meanness out of him?
I think these deer would munch on a scarecrow's hands. Cruel, inconsiderate deer!
How is this egg mixture put together? Whole eggs or just the whites? Mixed with water I would guess, but what part eggs and what parts water? I'm interested.
We had as pretty a day here as there is. I hope everyone's was similar. Thanks for the input, everyone.
Cissy, I'm frequently surprised at how many folks don't know why strawberries are called STRAWberries! Is your husband one of 'em?
Safe and well... everyone.
Mr. Greybeard, when the mean dog has done his job with the elimination of the deer you can pawn "OLd Beard" to someone else that has deer trouble. I would say before that you got to liking "Old Beard" and you keep him.
Mr. L
I have never truly seen the 'Man in the Moon'. I have had it pointed out to me several times - with descriptive hints, etc., etc., but still, I am unable to clearly see him. Sometimes, I can make out a couple of features - but as I stare and try to imagine more - It all turns to mush.. I wish I could see him though. What did I say earlier about the mind working in wondrous ways??? Well, not for me on this subject... I hesitate to even ask this question because I have a feeling that I already know the answer - but, I will ask anyway.
Am I the only one that cannot see the man in the moon?
The marigolds are beautiful. Although, I agree - kind of stinky....And if all else fails - a good deer meat recipe might be helpful!
the mix is 12 eggs to two gallon of water mix well and apply.
Hmmm, Can't see the Man in the Moon. I thought everyone could.
I have a good deer meat jerky recipe if all else fails.
I've tried moth balls to rid all the other creatures I didn't want around and it works great on them. Maybe it would work on the deers too.
I've seen the man in the moon since I was a little girl laying in my yard and looking at him and making wishes.
Just got back from the Smokie Mountains. Took the grandkids that live here in Indiana with us and had a great time. Found the "Brothers Cove" site on the net and took a chance that their pictures were correct of their cabins. We had a 3 bedroom and it didn't disappoint us. If anyone ever needs a reference on a place to stay I definitely recommend this place.
My grandson that lives in Phoenix is visiting his other grandmother in Grand Rapids, MI so we are taking a couple of days and drive up there the first of the week to see him. Haven't seen him since last Thanksgiving. He's 4 and they grow up so fast, gonna take every opportunity when he gets close to see him.
Hope everyone is doing good and having a good start to this summer.
Love & Hugs
Ya know, I've been thinking about TD not being able to see the man in the moon.
Did you know that TD erased all the eyeballs out of our Founding Fathers pictures in his Freshman year history book? Soooo, I'm just thinking maybe it's payback or karma that now he can't see the man in the moon. HAH!
I'm really impressed that you are growing pineapples. It made my mouth water thinking about it. YUMMO
Clint has "Goose Removal" down pretty good with his "Magnum Slingshot" technique. The deer might not be scared off as easily, but it might be worth a try.
Bo, there's a crack-slingshotter job open here if Clint is interested, dusk to dawn. Coffee and whatever snacks he prefers (tomatoes, peppers?) will be provided.
About the M. in the M...
I think those that cannot see him might be looking for something other than the fuzzy image I see.
Squint your eyes, TD.
OK, I have to admit I never thought The Man in the Moon was anything other than just a saying until a couple of years ago when I looked up and saw the face.
And I felt really stupid that I didn't know the man in the moon was looking at me all these years and I didn't see him.
But then again, it was only a couple years ago that I realized that Sammy Terry when said fast was cemetary.
Anti-critter suggestions:
Sprinkle hot sauce on their favorite snacks.
Spread some mentholated Vicks with around.
Hook up a radio in the bushes- add a timer so it comes on and off at odd intervals. Best if you can make it play "I Will Survive" -- that song grates on all critters great and small.
Rita also used to believe there were such things as "jackalopes"...honest to God.
Wait a minute...
I've seen pictures of gen-u-wine Wyoming Jackalopes. I've even seen one saddled up, ready for riding.
Rita, now you've got me saying "Selwyn" fast and slow, searching for some hidden meaning.
The world is a mysterious place indeed.
GB I just planted twelve new fruit trees at our farm. I went up this past Sunday and the deer have been eating the limbs and new fresh leaves. So I hung soap on each tree hope it works. Who knows may have to fence the area in. For all of us still working not much fun anymore new management crazy. TD how much longer do you have. I'm thinking 18 months. Don't know if I'll make it that long. I have 34 weeks of vacation banked so that will help. Have alot of trips coming up have to play golf and do some fishing. In Indy the 19th and 20 th playing golf. Sharon and I will be in New York the last week of June will get to fish and play in a golf tournment in Corning N.Y. July 10 guys are doing a fly in fishing trip in Canada that will be fun be gone 10 days. Then August Sharon and I and three couples in Colorado four wheeling and trout fishing. Then October November deer hunting starts. I will be in Tennessee and Texas hunting. I may be in Illinois hunting in your back yard the way it sounds. Line up a big buck for me. Everyone take care
Corning, NY is so nice! We were there one time and also visited Cooperstown, the Baseball Hall of Fame and James Fenimore Cooper's House. Sounds like you and Sharon have some great fun lined up.
GB & TC,
I talked with dear Clint about the deer situation. He suggests solar-powered electric fence...now there's a project for you!
GB: Ok, I'll bite. What the hell is Selwyn?
Sorry Rita, I spelled it wrong.
It's "Selwin".
Knock Knock Knock. It's Friday again. Where's the new post?
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