Friday, January 08, 2010


I didn't do well here.
Rita and other younger VK's will no doubt do better.
Give it a shot, then let the rest of us know how you did!


Rita said...

Not me. The only answer I knew was where CG was located. And as to software? PC's weren't invented for several years after I graduated.

Center Grove has never been the same since they cut down the tree in the middle of the parking lot.

the golden horse said...

My goodness, I know I went there for 12 years, but this is like being in Spanish Class and them giving you a Latin test to take.
My calculator doesn't go high enough to count the ones I missed.

Cissy Apple said...

I doubt that the superintendant of CGHS could answer most of those questions.

You know what I hated about school starting? Mom would always buy us a loose leaf binder (blue canvas) and the notepaper. I hated it. I hated that ugly, hard-to-carry binder and that awful paper. I couldn't wait to run out of it so I could buy the Trojan tablets out of that wooden vending maching. Put in a quarter, turn the knob, get a brand spankin' new notebook.

As was the popular thing to do, we'd draw our boyfriend's name in big bubble letters on the back of the notebook, then doodle all over it to make it look "groovy".

For my 50th birthday, my two kids made a trip to Center Grove, met one of the admins over there, visited the gift shop, bought me a CGHS shirt, some pencils, AND one of those beloved tablets! I still haven't written in it. But maybe I will fancy up the back of it with my boyfriend's name in big bubble letters.

...think my husband would care?

Greybeard said...

No, I don't think he'd care, so long as the boyfriend's name is "Rudy".
That IS your boyfriend's name, isn't it?!!

While I was in Hi-Y we sold CGHS sweatshirts. Some of the most popular ones were short-sleeved. I wish now I could purchase some like those we sold "back when".

Anonymous said...

I got 8 out of 20 correct mainly by guessing.
Carol Fleener

Hawkeye said...

I got only 9 of the 20.I knew some of the old stuff but not anything current. Leaving for Florida, Mon the 11 Jan for 6-8 weeks. I told Barb we wouldn't be able to stay from the kids and grandkids that long.

Anonymous said...

What a crazy test! Who knows how many people graduated in all those different years? I'll give it a try when I have some time.

We have made it to Mesa and in our house with very little furniture. Our beds are the blow up kind. And we don't have a sofa yet. Aren't you feeling sorry for me? By the time we get this place organized and cleaned it will be time to go back to Indiana!

Hope to get to go to the "Spring Fling" with our Trojan friends. We'll see how it goes. Sounds like a lot of fun to me.

Stay well, be careful out on the slick roads and even those that are not.

Go Colts!

Anonymous said...

Hawk, Same here on the quiz, got 9 correct but had no clue on the current names of teachers and who had the first mohawk. Everyone have a good time in Florida and Mesa.


Cissy Apple said...

I would love to find real wool letter sweaters. I should look again. The last time all I could find was acrylic and I wanted as close to what we had as possible. Leroy's mom washed his bright green wool letter sweater, and shrunk it down to something that would fit Rudy. The letter and chevrons are ok. Mine is eaten with mothholes.
God, I was so proud of my letter sweater (for Debs/choir).

Greybeard said...

Bo, I personally would sleep on a pallet on the floor if I could wake to 60+ temperatures!

The helicopter has what is called a "bleed air heater". When air is compressed, it heats up. The aircraft heater works by syphoning off some of the air that has been compressed before fuel is added to it and it is ignited. It's a marginally efficient way to heat the aircraft cabin for two reasons:
-Sucking off that compressed air before the engine has a chance to use it reduces the horsepower of the engine, meaning you have to use more fuel and increase internal engine temperatures to get the same performance from the aircraft you'd normally get if you weren't using the heater.

-Below about 20 degrees F. the heater just doesn't work well.
Ever own a Volkswagen? That's the way air feels as it comes out of the heater vents...
You can tell it's there, but barely.

I seldom complain, and I seldom feel old and depressed.
Extreme cold makes me feel old and depressed, and I cannot help but complain about it!

Global warming is such a problem, maybe Spring will rear its head early?

TwoDogs said...

Well, I looked at the quiz... Way too complicated for me. Even with the multiple choice format - it hurt my head.

Refuse to take it = No embarrasment...