Sometimes a little irritation is a good thing.
This week I was irritated in a way that made me smile.
My "work car" has 235,969 miles on it. A '95 Chrysler LHS, it drives wonderfully and still gets over 27 miles per gallon of gas driving to and from work. It has all the bells and whistles and all of them still work, EXCEPT the air conditioner. The A/C gave up the ghost three years ago, and since it would have to be converted to the new eco-friendly refrigerant, in addition to having to replace the ($$$$$) compressor, I chose to just drive with all the windows down during the five or so months I'd normally be using the air. Working nights, when it gets REALLY REALLY hot, I drive Sara Jean's car to work in air-conditioned comfort.
Yesterday I had to drive to St. Louis to teach a student at a time that required me to drive in my old car since SJ would be at work with hers. Windows down, wind whistling all around, the thermometer on the display said "97".
I flew with my student, then did a little "airport bumming"...
Stops here and there on the airport to visit with old friends, culminating with a stop at the shop of a mechanic I've known over thirty years. Time, gossip, and a few beers were shared.
The sun was well below the horizon when I started my 90 minute drive home.
The temperature had fallen to 84 degrees and felt perfectly comfortable in my old luxury-beater. With the windows down I was reminded of how it was back when we were all growing up and automobile air conditioning was something about which we had only heard rumors...
The sounds and smells of life are in your face when the windows are down.
Honeysuckle in bloom.
A dead critter in the road, followed by the unpleasant scent of decay.
Newly overturned earth in that plowed field.
The (pleasant to me) smell of manure as I pass a dairy farm.
And a reminder of long-ago trips home after the movies at the Meridian Drive-In-
The wonderful feel of a sudden temperature drop as I pass through a wooded area, or drop down into a valley.
We all want to avoid being uncomfortable. We've all paid our dues and have a right to avoid being uncomfortable. But in avoiding discomfort, however slight, we've isolated ourselves from some things in life that really WEREN'T so bad on reflection... Windows down, radio BLASTING, the sounds and smells of LIFE encompassing us as we motor through it.
Life is mighty good.
We all could use the reminder now and then.
If this is a red convertible in Columbus, I know who is in it.....Yes, life is good.
Ditto GH & GB. Even the bad days are good when you look back at them and you're still breathing. GB, I had the same thing going on last week when I drove out to the barn where I had moved the fall of 09 (15 miles one way out Thompson Road east of New Pal). Drove the old Lincoln T Car / 225,000 miles on it but its been reworked a little. But I too smelled the 'air' from newly turned soil to the bottoms at Buck Creek and the hogs in the distance as well as the horses at the barn. It was around 87 degrees and getting dark when I headed back home and it brought back memories of driving home from this same barn when we used to show every weekend about 35 years ago. Things have changed for sure, but the horses, newly turned soil and those creek bottoms sure help to put things back into perspective. The air in the car works but I had left the windows down for the trip out and back and it was worth the effort to get back outside of the car again and yes, crank up the stereo in order to make up for the wind ripping past your head. Should be able to hear the corn growing in a few weeks, they've managed to go from 4% planted to around 89% of corn in the ground in just a couple of weeks, Still about 3 weeks behind last year, but last year was early. Headed for CG tomorrow night, hope to see some of you there.
So, one other thing . . . was it a Red Convertible? In Columbus?
DJ, yep and my lips are sealed. Contact Bomar Girl for details.
NOTHING like a Red Convertable on a beautiful spring afternoon in Columbus, DJ.
I think the above picture expresses our feelings that spring day. What do you think?
I know it did, lol, but I gave no details. My lips are sealed.
And life was very very good.
Life is very good and we all need that reminder at times.
Thanks for the post.
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