Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Bardahl Did It Again!"

I'm continually amazed at how powerful 
advertising is.
Did we pay closer attention because TV as a medium was new back then and we were fascinated with it?
Maybe so.
But some of those early commercials are still bright in my memory.
"Bardahl did it again" is one of 'em.

"Hey Mo-om! Oh Mo-om! Here comes the O-mar man!"

"I LOVE Bosco, that's the drink for me!"

"Be young and fair, and debonair... Be sociable... have a Pepsi!"

If I could just rid my memory of these OLD ditties I might be able to remember where I put my keys for safe-keeping.

More brain cell usurpers here.


Anonymous said...

GB Sorry for no response to your post; I enjoyed it. Will be back with a little more later . . . . OPEN FRIDAY TOMORROW Everyone !!!!!!!!!

Later dj

Anonymous said...

Clint didn't remember the commercial but when he saw the valves he thought, "Bardahl"! SCARY

Now a question for you and all Vandy's Kids. Does anyone remember Erterk Mehmet? I asked a certain classmate and he said I should run to the nearest Dementia Clinic! I know I remember that name from somewhere...I thought it was CGHS but maybe I've lost it for sure!

Greybeard said...

No joy with me, Bo.
Maybe Purdue?

Anonymous said...

Het Bo, I remember Stimey Wilson but I don't remember . . . whats his name . . . . I thought dementia was when . . . . . . . oh well . . . never mind


Anonymous said...

P.S. t's are sometimes mistaken for y's in my world


Anonymous said...

Speaking of old commercials, one that has stuck in my mind is "It's Shake and Bake, and I helped".
AND, I can't believe I ate the whole thing!
OR It's a speecy, spicy meatball.


Anonymous said...

Twice I have tried to post and it erased AGAIN . . . . so I hope all is well with everyone out there


Anonymous said...

Bo, I remember S & S, also the old bryl cream little dab will do ya, the falstaff "old Pro" and Elwood?, I think Jim Bacuss was the voice for the old pro football coach. Anyway, of course we all remember the Burma Shave signs, Mail Pouch barns, you'll wonder where the yellow went whn you brush your teeth with __________?


must be operator error, it didn't erase

Anonymous said...

What about the kids (cartoon format) all huddled around each other and gettin redy to hav a FIZZIES PARTY ??? Just drop the little pill shaped thing in a glass of water and watch it fizz . . . different colors / different flavors . . .


Anonymous said...

IIt's open Friday !
