Saturday, October 19, 2019

Rolling Stones

Mom and Dad bought the house on Morgantown Road in 1949. I lived in that house... slept in the Southeast corner bedroom, until Uncle Sam said he desperately needed my services in 1966.
I loved the house; loved Smith Valley; loved Center Grove. When I got my driver's license I loved the fact I could be in "Naptown" in less than half an hour. (And I never felt unsafe in Indy).
I felt my life was nearly perfect and had no desire to change anything.

Relatives lived in Louisville, KY.
When I was about 13 we planned to visit them. I was excited... my first out-of-State trip. We may as well have been visiting London, England.
Normal travels at home included drives to Indy, Franklin, Bloomington. Sometimes we had family reunions at Spring Mill or Brown County State Parks.
For this homebody those were exotic places.
(What a bumpkin !)

Look at us now-
I just purchased tickets on Allegiant Airlines to transport me, Sara Jean, and Lucy, (she'll go beneath the seat in front of us) to Phoenix, Arizona for less than the cost of fuel to drive there.
This summer we sailed transatlantic, (NY to Lisbon, Portugal) via cruise ship.
We give no thought at all to hopping in the car for a destination a day's drive away.

We are rich.
We are blessed.
And WOW, how we are changed!