Saturday, August 18, 2007

Internet Nooks and Crannies

My job pays me even if I'm idle.
Good thing too, 'cause if I weren't paid to do what I do, I can see where friends and relatives might begin to talk behind my back about what a sad computer addict I have become!

While researching Bouncin' Bill Baker I came across
this site, and found a lot of memories.
So my fall into this electronic abyss has paid a dividend...
You don't have to search for hours to find stuff like this.



The Joker said...

As I've said before, I vaguely remember Bouncin Bill's name and if I've ever seen him I don't recall what he looked like.

Anyhow, I checked out the website and it's fantastic. OMG the memories! I'll have to check it out again later, there were so many pic's on there that my computer is stressing out!

Purple Tabby said...

I love that site! Thanks GB/