Friday, January 25, 2008



djinindy said...


the golden horse said...


Hau'oli La Hanau

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to reach this point where we used to think was really old and now we've found out its not old at all??

Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

If I were with you, I would sing Harlo Higginlooper's version of "Happy Birthday" wouldn't that be nice?

Happy Birthday, kid! Do I smell Cake?


Purple Tabby said...

It’s so nice to know people my own age (if a tad bit older ;))

Happy Birthday, GB.

At work last week, I was filling out a form for one of the senior attorneys. He’s a tall man, salt and pepper hair, has a wife and 2 little girls he adores. It had never occurred to me to wonder how old he might be.
When I filled out the form, I realized he was born the week after JFK was shot! How could that be?

Then I wondered if that was true for the rest of my co-workers. Two were alive then but only in the 4th grade. The rest probably couldn’t tell me where the grassy knoll is!

A day later, I was waiting at the Court House and a clerk struck up a conversation. Somehow he got around to talking about his mom and how “for her age, she really knows her way around a computer. She’s amazing. And at 64!”

How many times are we required to smile blandly when somebody says stuff like that?

I think I'll have some Birthday wine for ya, GB.

TwoDogs said...

GB, Sorry I missed it.

Happy Birthday!

Greybeard said...

Thanks, one and all, for the kind wishes.
Carol- Do you find yourself comparing your life/health to your parents when they were the same age? I do, and I think there's no question we are in better shape than they.

Bo- You made me laugh. Do you really remember the way he sang the tune? I do, and if you also do, we'll have to entertain all those coming to Destin in May!

PT- I have come to hate answering the question, "How long have you been flying helicopters?"
On 1 February it will be 40 years, and my answer startles most of my questioners and makes them take another look at the gray in my hair.
And your "Mom is 64" comment should make my Mother proud... 82 last birthday and she's also no luddite! She stops by here two or three times a day to check on us.
And don't forget Mr. L... he's also checkin' in on us, in spite of having to enlarge the text considerably in order to read the words. Good on ya, Mr. L!

TD- No sweat. You've got to realize, bein' born on Friday the 13th makes yours SO much easier to remember!
(Tequiza's on me when next we meet!)

Anonymous said...

My mother quit driving in her 50's, (said it made her to nervious) I can't even imagine having to call someone to take me to the store or shopping (if in deed I ever did that, Tracy does all the shopping) or jumping in the car and going to a job site. Her health was good except for her arthritis, and her life style was sure different then mine. I must say I think we are more active then what the last generation was.

I do find myself looking in the mirror and seeing my Mother though. Never thought I would ever say that. Never thought I would look like my Mother. I always thought I looked so much younger then she until lately. Does that mean I may be getting older looking????


Anonymous said...

Well GB I also want to wish you a belated Happy B-Day. I keep trying to forget that mine is coming up in April. Then again I should be glad it's coming - At least I have made it this far.

But I belive the saying get's better with age is a true description of the gals of the class of 65.


Greybeard said...

Couldn't agree with you more, Echo.
Too bad about us guys of the class of '65, huh?
Would you agree that we are not declining as quickly as other men you know? We're proud of you gals and we're trying really hard to keep up!

(I kid!... no offense taken.)

TwoDogs said...

Trying really hard to keep what up????? Hey, Have you been talking to Cinders ---- again?????

I kid, also...

Take no umbrage, Please......

And I'll gladly drink a Tequiza w/you.