Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Please Don't "Pay It Forward"

I know you mean well, and I do appreciate your thoughts.
But it's getting out of hand.

I've written before at my own blog about people sending me "forwards".
I almost never send them myself, unless I encounter something on the net that absolutely screams your name. Even then, when I forward the article it will generally be to you, and you alone, with an accompanying note explaining why it made me think of you.

This afternoon I checked my email:
Three "Forwards" from one friend...
Six from another...
Nine from another.
One was a triplicate... the same article from all three.
Two were duplicated.
The address line for all of these forwards looked like the telephone book for a small town.
I hate the idea of deleting these things unread, but it's getting to the point where I don't have time to read them all.

Can I make the most gentle of suggestions?
Instead of sending your good wishes out via email, why not post your thoughts here?
I've done it, as have others. That way we can check out your thoughts at our convenience, and if it's something we've seen before, we don't have to delete the same thought coming from three or four different friends/loved ones.

But thank you for caring and thinking about me.
I care about you too.


Samarpan David said...

And I would like to add that when you get forwards that contain claims you think might be rumors and you want to check on whether it's true or false, there is a handy site that does that:

For example, I got a forward that said Barack Obama is a Muslim and swore in on the Qu'ran. Both claims are false rumors, and Snopes explains how that rumor got started.


Greybeard said...

Agreed to a point, A.
I know the rumor about the Koran is untrue, but how do you know he's not a Muslim?
Because he says so?
He's a politician, for cryin' out loud... he lies for a living!
I think you'd have to see into his heart to know his religious beliefs, and if you can do that I want to be your agent... we can make a fortune together.

Purple Tabby said...

I'm sure the same emails showed up in my mail, GB :::shaking my head:::
Those things drive me nuts -- except for the funny ones.

And it's hard to tell someone not to send "junk" because some of the "junk" is pretty good.

Still, if I wanted to send a virus around the world at lightening speed, I would send it in an email that included a puppy, a kitten, an angel, a prayer, a military something-or-other, and a promise that forwarding the message would guarantee a big lottery win while deleting it would result in a nasty plaque.

::: sigh:::

I did find an interesting choice on my right-click button, though. It allows me to block all mail from certain addresses. Another bonus day of forwarded emails and I may see if it works.

The Joker said...

I NEVER forward an email that says, "Forward to all (your friends, enemy's, family, whatever)". I don't care how much bad luck it says I'm going to have if I do not forward it! It does not get forwarded, that way.

Especially the political ones. What may be the "ideal" or "worse" candidate to some, that candidate may have the opposite effect on others. I do not want or need you to tell me how you feel about a certain political person. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions without anyone's help.

It sounds like I'm mad, but I'm not. I just feel strongly about some things. With that being said, I appreciate your input on your own blogs and I'll read them because I do like to read other view points, but I do not like my email box to be cluttered with others political views.

Top Cat said...

GB Happy belated birthday. Sorry I just got caught up on the Blog. January has been really busy. Just got back from the Bahamas It was in the 70's had to wear shorts and play golf a couple of days. What a place to have a customer. GH rumor is we may be buying Weyerhauser. Maybe I can become Plant Manager on the Islands. Glad everyone doing well. TD's Sharon and I will be in Indy about three weekends in a row in Feb. I will give you a shout and hopefully we can have dinner.

Samarpan David said...

GB, you ask how do I know Barack Obama is a Christian? You say he could be lying because he is a politician. can help you out here. They provide documentation and facts you can check out for yourself, instead of trying to plant doubt in people's minds without presenting any facts.

Obama accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior 16 years ago at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, responding to Reverend Jeremiah Wright's altar call one Sunday morning. That was years BEFORE Obama became a politician. I judge a person by their life commitment, not just their words.

Greybeard said...

I fervently hope you are right, Asoka.
My point stands.