"Hey Guy, how's Jane doin'?"
Here's his response:
First off, we have a change of address and e-mail address. My charter.net service will terminate soon. Please update your address book.
(New address: guystrang[at]charter.net)
Although we have not yet sold the house in Clarksville, due to the delay caused by Janie’s accident, things are progressing nicely.
Janie should be walking again in a couple of weeks, although complete healing will take another three months. In the meantime, she has taken a teaching job at the Trigg County (Kentucky) high school, teaching geometry. Yes, after a short retirement she is back teaching already, from a wheelchair. It’s a part time job; she teaches on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I have also volunteered to be the assistant coach to the high school basketball team (a non paying job).
So, we are spending most of our time at the lake house, coming back to Clarksville on weekends to have garage sales and finish preparing the house for sale. The painting is finished, thanks to (Steve W’s) donation of time and sweat and some neat vinyl work. I have put out “for sale by owner” signs in the front yard and have already received a few inquiries, but not yet ready to show the house until we can move some of the junk out of it.
Not much else to report.
Thanks for the inquiry.
Keep in touch.
So... teaching from a wheelchair?
(Makes it SO hard to pace in front of the class... but Jane could spin a few doughnuts for the kids!)
Get well soon, Jane!
Too bad that I'm not closer to help Jane Ann out in the classroom. I was always a real "whiz kid" in Geometry...HA! HA!.....just ask O.J. or Mrs. C.!
I didn't realize that Jane was still unable to walk. Thanks GB for the update.
Just a quick note here; Good luck with the house and a speedy recovery. Busy time here ....
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