Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Year Ago Today

August 23, 2007 Hawkeye posted this news.

The year has passed quickly.
Funny though, checking here at VK on a frequent basis, Mr. V. is still a part of my life every day. Most often, that brings a comforting feeling.
Wouldn't we all love to be remembered that way?

We still miss you Vandy.


TwoDogs said...

I can still see him walking the halls. Always a kind word and that sometimes playful, all knowing smile. At the same time, He could be firm when it was needed. His timing was perfect. The right man for the job, for sure... More than that? Yes, in my view - A Great Man!

Anonymous said...

I think of him very often....we had some very nice visits when he was at the Village. Even now, I miss his wisdom, humor and a friend. Never a dull moment with him! We all learned so much from Mr. V. What a great man and how fortunate we all were.


Purple Tabby said...

I miss him too. I wasted so much time in HS being afraid of him and even more afraid of Mrs. Vandy! What an idiot is was. I should have been picking their brains about so many things.
He set the tone for the teachers and the students -- what would be tolerated, what would NOT be tolerated and when it was okay to turn a blind eye to the foolishness of being a kid.
We were lucky to have him.