Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Neva, Queen of the Valley

Have ya ever had someone prey on your mind, seemingly for no reason at all?
It happens frequently to me.
This morning I started thinking about her. She was a unique individual, unafraid to speak her mind, and willing to defend her thoughts if you disagreed with her.
Neva B., Mother of my good friend Steve and his older brother, Cecil.

She was married to Raymond.
Raymond was a man of few words.

I was never witness to a discussion between Raymond and Neva, but got the impression Raymond was happy with Neva running the show because she did it well.
I saw this family go through the stresses in life and stick together... like FAMILY.

When you'd walk into the room Neva would give you the once over...
She'd make comments on your shoes. Your hair. Where she had seen you earlier.
"I made my Red Velvet cake. Would you like some?"
(Her cake was moist, WONDERFUL. DON'T EVEN THINK about asking for the recipe!)

We've often discussed here how "The Valley" was extended family for many of us.
That certainly applied to Neva.
If you screwed up, Neva wasn't afraid to step up and let you know your behavior needed changing. And you knew you'd better show an attitude change quickly, 'cause Neva was also like a dog on a bone...
She was relentless.
Give up early and save yourself the harrassment, because she'd win in the long run, guaranteed.

She was irritating.
And we knew she loved us... all of us.

(I just remembered... she drove a stick-shift automobile, and went directly from 1st gear to 3rd, skipping 2nd EVERY TIME.)

Tell me Neva...
Why are you occupying my mind today?


the golden horse said...

Because she was special and you knew it. Because she was a teacher and she cared. Because she had common sense and it made sense the way she told it.
Because our old friends are becoming fewer and fewer and thus even more special.
Because she brings back a time that was so special to us.
Growing in the valley did that.

Anonymous said...

Just "lost" another post . . .try again later. . . . This Just Breaking News . . .Some guy named Floyd Shirrel and his wife Jan just on the news / bought a million dollar winning ticket at the West Smith Valley Road Speedway. Said something about playing ALOT more golf. They just recently retired. Maybe I need to buy a powerball this week ($450 million). But then there would be all that worry about how to spend it if I did win.

Later, dj

Anonymous said...

It may have been the Speedway on Count Line Rd at R.R. Road. Iknew you would like to know.


Anonymous said...

You know it is hard to see this link so blank the last two years. It seems to me with the class of
'65 and other CG classes this column can go on. I have watched Center Grove School System grow in the past 50 years and more. I have seen the graduates of that school grow too. Don't you think that you can surely put back into action this Vandy's Kids especially for Vandy?