Saturday, February 11, 2006

Note to Mr. Shockley

I sent the following email to Mr. Shockley, Principal at CGHS:

Dear Mr. Shockley,
My name is **** ****. I graduated at CGHS in 1965. A group of students from that era have gotten together to start a Weblog dedicated to Center Grove and the community around it because we all appreciate the education and "family" support we received there. We have dedicated the Weblog specifically to Mr. Vandermeer, who was our Principal. We love and respect Vandy.

The address for the site is:

If you are interested in passing this address along to others with an interest, we'd love to have students/faculty/visitors come by with comments, stories, and questions.

I thank you for your time, sir.

**** ****
CGHS Class of '65


Greybeard said...

Isn't Dave W. still teaching in the CG system?

TD, we don't have an email address for him?

TwoDogs said...

I think Dave W. may still be in the CG system. I talked w/ him a little at the last Reunion. I'm sure I have a phone #, I will call him and ask for his email address. Same w/ Steve and Jeanie W. - Give me a couple of days. If I find anything - I will email to GB and PT. There are lots of us out there and the word is getting out. I've had a couple of phone calls just recently asking if it was OK to open the email from PT. Of course, they didn't know who it was from and were afraid to open it for fear of a virus. I said that it certainly was contagious (Webster's 9th-#4)like some viruses, but, as yet the content had not damaged my computer.

Ron, I agree with GH - Join in here and then decide to go to Galveston w/us. There is room at the Inn.....