Monday, February 13, 2006

Step Back, Take A Deep Breath,

I want to re-address the memorial, and see what the consensus is.....

What we started as a way to honor and appreciate many people that touched our lives began to take on a new meaning as we realized how many people were going to end up on that list, and the feelings we would stir when we begin to get the number of visitors we hope will eventually drop by and participate here at Vandy's Kids.

PT and I have been watching the list grow, and we've been considering the sensibilities of all of us that remember each of the names on that list.
The souls those names represent bring back happy memories, but the post can't help also touching the hearts of some that were more than just friends.

I've put the Memorial in suspended animation.
I want feedback from each of you as to how we need to proceed, and we'll act on your feedback.

PT thinks we should just memorialize friends/family/teachers by mentioning them either in individual blog posts, or in comments. Right now I'm tending to agree with her.

So, for the time being, the Memorial is on hold.
We can easily bring it back, and we are open to ideas on how to do it in such a way that it helps us to remember the good things about people we loved, and be warmed by that memory.

Please comment......
God Bless them. God Bless us all.


Purple Tabby said...

Thanks Greybeard.

Since I've lived away from home most of my life, learning that so many of our classmates had died was a real shock to me; it seemed impossible that so many could have died so young.

The list started out as a way for my outta-touch-and-memory-impaired-self to keep track of important things I have missed in the past 40 years.

This Blog site has become a wonderful way to me to get re-acquainted with so many folks from a WONDERFUL time in my life and get caught up on the news. Vandy’s Kids was never intended to do anything else.

However, I’m afraid that in listing those who have died has dredged up a lot of sadness for others and for that I am truly sorry. It was thoughtless of me and I apologize sincerely.

Greybeard said...

I see no reason for apologies, PT.

I think we all started off with the best of intentions. Then, when the memorial list began to grow, I began to be depressed at the loss of friends and loved ones, all so young.

The thought of the list being there, continually reminding family and friends of a sad period of their life, finally dawned on me.

It was MY idea to insure the post was always at the head of the blog, and that is when I realized we could be causing unnecessary pain for All of us.

Catching up on news is a big part of what ought to happen here. If that includes reminders of our history, to include the passing of friends, then that's a natural would come up in conversation and should come up here.

And that's what I'd like to see happen here......conversation.

I hope we look forward to coming to Vandy's Kids because we feel better for having done it.

TwoDogs said...

I tend to agree that there may be some emotional pain involved here.

< Maybe! >

The idea behind the Memorial is very well founded with very good intentions. No question about that! No one should feel the need to apologize for anything done here!

The way I see Vandy's Kid - it is just that and we need to say the things that we feel. We also have to be watchful that we don't hurt the ones that we love...... I think if PT and GB or others want to maintain the post and can find a way to "link" into it and then place that link on Vandy's Kids - I would occassionally go there to look at it.

Now, the maintenance of it is something completely different. Do we need some parameters? If so, what limits are possible without causing some distress? I could probably go further here, but, I won't. Sometimes I tend to talk too much. What do others have to say? I, too, look forward to your comments.