Saturday, April 01, 2006

Are You Foolish?

Got anything to say for yourself on this 1st day of April?
Well then...........go right ahead!


Greybeard said...

The April Fools jokes are getting more difficult to distinguish from the truth......

NPR this morning had a report on the new "I-Bod".
Supposedly, this is a machine that hooks up to your nervous system and kicks up your cardiac and respiratory can get exercise by lying in a recliner.
Of course, it was a joke, but not labeled as such.
And in view of these stupid things you wrap around your waste that constrict your abdominal muscles, how far off can such a machine be?

These April Fools jokes are a far cry from the "Marshmallow Harvest", or "Licorice Tree" stunts we used to see!

Greybeard said...


This evening on the way to work, a guy behind me had his Cocker Spaniel on his lap between him and the steering wheel. When I looked in my rearview mirror, I saw this dog's face, and he seemed very happy with his driving technique.
The Mickey Rooney sized owner was barely visible peeking around behind the dog.
I question the safety here, but it was a cute stunt!

TwoDogs said...

I think I bought one of those I-Bods things a couple of years ago !!!! Sold it in a garage sale last fall.... Had a cat that needed to lose a little weight - she didn't think much of it, either. It worked about the same as that shrink wrap I put on her a few years ago..

Boy, the things that run through my head when you talk about kicking up the cardiac and respiratory rate.....and a Cocker Spaniel (with a smile on its face) sitting on Mickey Rooney's lap!!!! I think I'm cursed with this mind of mine....

Ferdy, Congrats to the team.

the golden horse said...

SSSHHH--don't tell the weatherman,
we had sun today and I think it was a mistake. It wasn't suppose to get here until Tuesday. I almost tripped when I went outside from the sun and had to grab the sunglasses. Now I know how bears feel coming out of their caves. Can't wait until tomorrow to see what we have.
Yesterday's downpour was the worst yet. It rained so hard that people in the movie theater were deep into their movie, when 3 feet of water came rushing down the aisle on them down Closed the whole mall.
One little elderly lady was sitting on her front porch waiting for her son because the water was rushing into her rear windows that were several feet off the ground.