Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"Dewey Beats Truman!"

I have a cruel, twisted sense of humor sometimes.
My first title for this post was gonna be "Mini-Reunion Cancelled!"
Please, know up front that title is just as wrong as the one above.

I've had emails and calls inquiring about the mini-re.
Some were confused that the posts about who was coming and what to bring were taken down. Others apparently emailed IE about something reunion related and had gotten no response.
Don't despair folks, the sky is not falling!

We will meet.
We will have fun.
You will take home memories you'll never forget.
You will be glad you came.

I'll bet a couple things:
Indy Echo is probably up to her butt in alligators...... by that I mean that on a couple occasions she has let me know that her personal business has been keeping her more than a little busy lately. She just got back from vacation, and I suspect she is pulling her hair out trying to catch up on her backload.
Seems to me I also heard something a few weeks ago about her computer going on a work stoppage, or something to that effect. If you've written her via email and have had no response, it might be that IE's "Mr. Dell" is just being an obnoxious electronic jerk and has not been doing his job properly.

But just to reassure you-
We will have a meeting, somewhere.
Brown County, McCormick's Creek, the Teacher's Parking Lot at Center Grove High School-
what do we really need in the way of a place to meet?

I personally heard from IE a couple weeks ago. I've also recently heard from Ferdy and PT. I have no reason to believe that we are not "all systems go, A-OK for launch" of the mini-re!

I bet we'll be in Edinburgh around a fire smiling at one another on the evening of October 21st.
But if not there, there was a nice fire at Purple Tabby's Mom's house in Nashville, and I have it on good faith the welcome mat is out there too.

And all who were there left with warm hearts and smiling faces!
Be of good cheer, folks. See ya in a couple weeks!


TwoDogs said...

Just 2 days ago, IE emailed me and asked if I was going to be there. I replied back that I would not miss it for the world.

THE MINI RE AT IE's IS STILL ON AND IT SOUNDS LIKE IT WILL BE A BLAST! So plan on being there and visiting with a few folks that you haven't seen for a very long time. Let IE know that you'll be coming. Plans are in the works and have been for quite a while. An OJ Toast/Roast and many other good things are planned.

Be there or be square!

the golden horse said...

I will miss seeing all you guys, we are in the throes of moving and unpacking.
But, please have a weiner for me, well done, and a couple of s'mores.
I hope you have wonderful weather and a huge bonfire.
Take care

Carol said...

Talked to IE on Sunday and it sounded like she had everything under control.

See you all in 17 Days.

Indy Echo said...

Thanks twodogs and Carol for your kind words and support. As for having everything under control Shifty may disagree with that. His "Honey Do" list is still pretty long. Mumble - Groan !!

Sorry if any of you were concerned when you didn't hear me beg for RSVP's for a couple of days. I deleted the old postings that had been running for a month or so with complete intentions of making a new update. Well, so much for good intentions.

As Greybeard so rightly stated I have been up to my butt in alligators. Been super busy with my business, this is one of my busiest times of the year, was out of town for 4 days, and then being as computer savy as I am (NOT !!!)
I went to backup my business records and pushed a wrong button and totally wiped out ALL MY BUSINESS RECOREDS FOR 2006. DAH !!
Had to go back and re-enter everything. So missed posting the new post for a couple of days. Sorry!

15 days and counting.

In the words of a really smart man,

Be there or be square.