Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Vandy Update - Sad news...

At my last weeks visit to Vandy, I could not get him to wake up. He usually is asleep when I get there to visit him. This time he would only open his eyes halfway and never did say anything. I went ahead and read his newspaper for a while and tried again to talk to him. Again he did not wake up. I left, thinking he must have had a bad nights sleep and needed to sleep.
Just now, 9:00 PM, August 22, 2007, I got a call from Mrs Clemments. She tells me Vandy's kidneys are shutting down and he is having trouble swallowing. His son, Bill has been called and he is trying to get on the first flight to Indy.
Vandy had told me a couple of weeks ago that he wished he would either get better or worse. I will go by tomorrow to see him and update you further. Now, the family and Vandy need our prayers......right now I am praying for God's will. This is a sad time and we all hurt that such a good man will be leaving us. I keep thinking he will be with his beloved Margaret.



Anonymous said...

Very Sad News! He's rallied before and has a wonderful spirit. I hope for the best for him; whatever that might be now.

Thanks for being there with him and keeping us all informed. Once again, the VK Blog is wonderful for all of us.

Purple Tabby said...

Thank you so much for keeping us up to date, Hawkeye.
After Indy's last mini, some of us visited him and he was in such great spirits,, he remembered all the old stories and jokes. He still had such a lively personality.

But it didn't take more than a mention of Margaret to bring his tears. His missed her so very much.

One other time I visited, he was napping while WWII era swing music played ,,, in fact that was the only kind of music he had but he had a lot of it.

I'm glad Bill has a big family of his own (and I think he has grandchildren) He won't be alone

Hawkeye, I’m sure in the near future we will need to send flowers or maybe make a contribution to the CGHS fund in his name.
Will you let us know where to send things?

Greybeard said...

Fly, Vandy. Fly!
Our thoughts are with you.

Samarpan David said...

At at dance at Center Grove I remember dancing to this Byrds song, and it came to me upon hearing about Vandy...

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together

the golden horse said...

Thank you for the update, it is indeed sad to hear this happening to such a important man in our lives, but rest assured all of you have made his last days very special. No man could feel more loved or cared about, with all that you have done. I could only send a card from here.

Indy Echo said...

Such sad news. But I guess we all knew that this time was bound to come. He has given so much to so many.

I know when the time comes that we are all thinking about sending flowers.

But what do you think about the Class of 65 sending one HUGE and I mean HUGE FLORAL ARRANGEMENT? That way there could be a card with everyones name on it.

ALSO, as you all know, or I think you know, I won and Advertising Speciality business. What would you think about having a beautiful crystal type placque made that the family could have as a keepsake?

Or I don't know if this is an idea or even possible. But if we had a placque done I wonder if Center Grove would consider putting it in one of the cases at school as sort of a memorial to him. Even though it has been many years since he was there and many now don't know him personally - they have heard of him. He is truly an ICON of Center Grove and will be remembered as a legond of the past history of CG.

If you think this is a good idea, and knowing that the end is drawing near we could go ahead and have it done.

Please let me know what you think about both ideas and if I can be or any assistance in either let me know.

Hawkeye, WE want to thank you for what you have done in visiting Vandy and keeping us updated. I know I live in the area but it is so hard for me to go to a nursing facility because of my mom. But I am sure that Vandy has never had any doubt how ALL of us feel about him and the impact he has had in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Hawkeye, I'm so glad you have made regular visits to Vandy. I'm sure he has appreciated it as well. Thanks, too, for keeping the rest of us updated.

My thoughts and prayers are with Vandy, Bill and his family.


djinindy said...

Thanks Hawkeye. As you said, Vandy will be with Margaret. So when the time comes, as much as we can, let the tears be for the joy they will once again share. I can see her looking up at Vandy with that half smile on her face. God Bless Mr. and Mrs. V,, Bill and his family and all of Vandy's PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Hawkeye, this news just breaks my heart. I visited with Mr. V in June and haven't been back. We had a very nice talk that day. I will be praying for him and the family.


Purple Tabby said...

A couple of blessings that I am so very grateful for –

1) That we got to celebrate Vandy in 2001 -- he was still well enough to travel and there were so many classmates who traveled so far so see him. I'm so glad we got to tell him how much he meant to us.

2) After Indys mini, a few of us went to his apartment. One classmate got to discuss something they had both hurt over for 40 years. Plus he got to see our own 500 Queen, got a signed photo of our own 2 Star General, and got to visit with people he hadn't seen in a long time.

I'm so glad we figured out how to re-connect or much of this would have not happened. Thanks for showing us how to blog, GB.

Greybeard said...


What a man.
Fair. Caring. Honest.
Lord, I only hope people will be able to say that about me when I'm gone!

Dittos with what DJ said:
Don't grieve now...
Celebrate the life of this GREAT man, and the fact that he is no longer encumbered by that infirm body.

Dittos too, to what PT said...
I am SO thankful we had the chance to show him how much we love him while he was able to realize and accept it!

Call it God's work, call it serendipity...
I started blogging and nagged PT to start too. She had the insight to start VK... And here we are,
the VK family.

Be at peace Vandy.
Thanks for bein' there, VK's.

Top Cat said...

Our prayers are with Vandy and the family. Its so great to have such a group of classmates and especially friends forever that care so much for others. Its a shame the whole world can't be like this group. Lets all rejoice and be thankful for what we had and still have. I hope Vandy truly knew how much this class cared for him. Soon he will be flying with no more pain. God Bless for the future we have. Heaven will be wonderful. He can put me with the Class of 65.