Monday, May 26, 2008

DDFF 2008- At "Grazi's"

There were ten of us, so we were seated at two tables, as close to one another as possible. This is the upper, V.I.P. table.

The riff-raff was seated just below, where we could gaze in envy at our bettors.

This rude person got tired of the seating arrangement and decided to cause mischief.
He should have brought puppets, he could have expressed his displeasure with the seating arrangement with them.

Of course that's stretching the truth about as far as it can be stretched...
Food at the DDFF is one of the problems... there's too much of it and it is all wonderful. (You can see the take-home bags on the table in the middle picture above.) Grazi's starts your meal with roasted garlic mixed with Olive oil and fresh parmesan cheese, and fresh Italian bread to dip into that mix. I could make a meal on it alone!

And while I have your attention, I hope you'll remember on this special day that many have died to protect us and keep us safe to travel and meet like the folks you see in these pictures.
Please keep them, and our troops presently at risk, in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

the golden horse said...


Thank you for the awesome pictures. Please keep them coming. Looks like everyone is having a good time and eating well. Wish we could have been there.
We went to the beach today and watched two air craft carriers come in with their escorts. Jets out, helicopters on patrol. The harbor patrol doing their thing. The many tugs are ready. Amazing sight to see. All the young men and women side by side in their sparkling white uniforms at the edge of their ships standing at attention, and hundreds of people lining both side of the harbor to welcome them, flags being waved, binoculars in use, trying to find that son or daughter. For some reason my eyes keeping watering. Must be an allergy.
This is still the best country in the world and we have honored our sailors, one more time.
Hope everyone's day was just as amazing. Bless all of you.