Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good Day

I went to the VA to have a post-op hernia checked out. Every was great. Got my travel pay and got me a capichano, headed home. Instead I turned left on New York Street  and went by where my grandmother lived. It is now a parking lot for the med center, same dirt. Went around the corner where the drug store use to be. Headed home, down Michigan Street to the stop light. A amputee in a wheelchair holding a sign saying he was homeless, I didn't say he was homeless, I said he was holding a sign. I still had a dollar left from my travel money so I give it to him. "God bless you man" was his words. I was giving him the dollar because it was him not me. Selfish reason. Money spent the same.
Headed home down West Street and was waiting a car to pass me so I could get over in the lane to my right. Not knowing the guy on the other side wanted to do the same, I was just a little faster. Honking the horn ( what else would you honk, a tire ?) showing me the finger that had a boo boo on it , I just wave back with all five. Must have been the smile that made him mad. I was a good day.


the golden horse said...

Glad everything checked out okay.
I can't even imagine driving around Indianaplis again. Everything has changed so much and I have been gone so long.
That was a nice thing you did. I loved the wave return, good job.

Greybeard said...

I've learned to do the same thing when folks tell me "I'm number one" Hawk...
Hope it just makes them angrier, (or smile).
Glad it was a good day.
I want ya around for many, many more brother.

Anonymous said...

I thought about you today, Hawkeye, but it will take me a while to tell you why. (BTW, I’m glad your scars are healed up and hope that means you can resume your career as a male-model)

So I started out today to get a thyroid sonogram (takes about 10 minutes) at 10 AM. About 10:40, I politely asked the receptionist if I had made a mistake about the time or the day. She said no, I was correct. Then I told her I had an 11 AM appt (it was really for 11:15 in the same building but I didn’t feel chatty enough to tell her that) and that I really needed to make that appointment. She offered to call them and let them know I would be late. NOT what I had in mind.

At 11AM, I politely asked her to inform my insurance company they didn’t need to pay for the procedure, and please take the charge to my credit card off because I was leaving. And “Oh by the way, I’d like to let the office manager know why I’m leaving” A very nice lady came out of her office, I explained the situation (using my best grandmotherly voice) but was deliberate and assertive that it wasn’t right to keep someone waiting that long. She agreed and within 5 min, I was getting my neck coated in surgical slime.

I left, made my other appoint, got good news and decided to treat myself to some celebratory shopping. I was very proud of myself for being assertive and polite - no loss of temper!

So I’m driving on the interstate and a guy in a big truck is tailgating me BIG TIME. I thought he was trying to get in my trunk! I made a “WTF” gesture in the mirror and he pulled around me. As he went by, I flipped him off,,, and he braked almost to a stop,,,, then pulled back around behind me,,,, and followed me off the interstate and through 2 lights, around a corner etc for about 5 miles. By this time I had enough adrenaline on board power an aircraft carrier!

I decided to drive in the direction of the only police station I knew of (about 10 miles away) Again, he pulled up to my left side, slowed enough to hold up traffic in that lane! I didn’t look at him but I’m sure he looked at me and decided it wouldn’t be macho to beat up a little old lady!!

As he pulled away, I was happy to notice that he had a red/white/blue ribbon on his truck that said he supported out troops (that would have made me feel a LOT better if he had beat the tar outta me !)

My lesson for today is that being assertive with women in a doctor’s office feels great but it’s a whole lot safer than tangling with a guy in a truck.

Anonymous said...

OH, that last Anonymous was me

the golden horse said...

Pt, you always have all the fun.