If you, like me, drove your own vehicle to school when you could drive, you'll remember the parking lot on the North side of the gymnasium, (featured prominently in the 1965 yearbook).
Guys who drove pickup trucks frequently had gun racks behind the truck seats, with a rifle and shotgun hung on those racks. I'd bet some of those guys never felt a need to even lock their trucks.
We never felt threatened by the guns. We never even felt threatened enough to fear leaving our cars and trucks unlocked.
Today, when a gun appears on a TV or movie, you hear the "evil" music played to indicate how we should feel about the threat they pose.
What has changed in our society/culture since 1965?
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Doc Lammert: Navy emergency medicine, 32 year Navy OIF Vet. It's the assault weapons... Greybeard...
The US military needs them for firepower, because the bad guys have them ... American civilans don’t need them to hunt and shoot game ...
Lammert, you use the term "assault weapons".
So we can have an intelligent discussion, can you define that term for me? :)
Shortly after I moved to Southern Illinois in 1978, local news reported a man had killed his significant other. The weapon he used? A roller skate!
Certainly roller skates should therefore be classified as "assault weapons", then, right?
Having sworn the Oath of Office, I'm loath to give up my Constitutional rights.
I'm wagering farmers in South Africa right now wish they had efficient means to protect themselves from a government stealing their farms as I write this.
And Venezuela?
What a paradise that has become.
And my question has gone unanswered-
"What has changed since 1965 when we were able to leave guns unlocked in vehicles in parking lots?"
Pink Floyd-
Is anybody out there?" :)
As long as Vandy’s Kids are around .... of whom I am gratefully one and. ,,,, and still around ...
we, Vandy’s kids ... will be out here...
Greybeard, thank you for promoting this great website in honor of Americans ... who truly made/make a real difference... Melvin Vandermeer... was one of those make-a-difference Leaders...
Gary Lammert MD FACEP
Captain United States Navy Retired
Service Connnected OIF Veteram
The Second Ammendment was not put in place to enable the civilian population of this nation to hunt game for food. Rather it is part and parcel with the Militia Concept of our National Defense posture. The Civilian Soldier, an ordinary citizen trained, armed and capable of defending his/her own rights and liberties. This is why the Second Ammendment was included.
The second amendment's history is to collective rights of slave holders to organize into militia slave patrols. It was not about an individual right to have guns.
Horse manure.
This comment ignores the knowledge of what the country had just been through-
Shedding itself of the tyranny of King George.
And "Anonymous"(!), you also need to insure you know what the word "militia" meant in 1776.
Your turn.
I'm always (not) surprised at how brave people can be when they are anonymous.
Make a complete fool of yourself?
No one but you knows! :)
Justice Scalia specifically states that government can make laws regarding time, place and manner of exercising their 2nd amendment rights. A quote from Scalia: “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. (It is) not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”
So, according to Scalia, it IS a right to carry any weapon, so long as that weapon serves a "whatever" purpose?
If my government tries to pull a Tianenman square on my family and friends, I want access to a Barrett .50 caliber.
Don't you?
(And unfortunately, it looks as if we are now headed in that direction.
Recommended reading: THE SECOND, by Carol Anderson (2021) on the long anti-Black history of gun laws and how race defines gun rights today. Authorities are enthusiastic for the rights of gun owners when they are white, indifferent when they are Black and outright hostile when they are dissident African-Americans committed to challenging the racial status quo. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/04/the-many-lives-of-grandmaster-jay/618408/
Texas has shown how states can enroll citizens in law enforcement by offering a $10,000 bounty, so California is going to copy Texas with a bill that would allow private citizens to seek injunctive relief "against anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts in the State of California." The bill would also provide for statutory damages of at least $10,000 in addition to attorney's fees. "If the most efficient way to keep these devastating weapons off our streets is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that," Newsom said. I say thanks, Texas, for showing California how to ban legal activity, be it abortion or guns.
This year, 45 new gun safety laws have been adopted in states, while 95 percent of gun-lobby-linked bills have been blocked. The corrupt NRA has lost its political power.
Today the US Supreme Court, in an 8-1 decision, supported banning guns to anyone who has a domestic violence restraining order. 2A does not give everyone the right to own a firearm.
Gun loving registered Republicans, please stop shooting at Donald J. Trump.
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