Wednesday, November 24, 2021


The ONLY chips my Mom would buy.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment:

Lammert said...

Chesty ... My favorite Chesty chips were Chesty barbecue chips ...... at Easton's Market - which were variably saturated in delicious BBcue flavoring. ... 39 cents a bag ... Individual luck for heavily dosed BBCue chips were the consumable best. Easton's Market on County-Line Road and 135 was where I worked for a bit ...

Easton's market had these tasty Chesty jewels. Does any prior 1969 grads remember Easton's market on the Southwest corner of the southern Marion county junction? Likely not. In 1958 Easton's priced candy cigarettes at a reasonable 5 cent for a 20 member pack .... (Shoud have bought more ...)

Does anyone remember the aurora borelis in Johnson County in February 1958? .... the eleven year sun magnetic polar reversal cycle?