Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Distinct Honor!

What an honor to be the first poster here......If I can beat Kathy to the punch!

The name is fitting, isn't it? Vandy moulded us all with his example.
How fortunate we were to attend a school small enough for the Principal to know our middle names!

Vandy attended the Class of '65 reunion over Labor Day. He was using a walker to get around, so it took him a while. But his mind was sharp as ever and he made us all laugh, as usual.
I think he attempted to come and speak personally with each of us before the night was over.
It was a special treat for me... living 5 hours from Indy, with little reason to return now, it may be the last time I see him... I hope I'm wrong.

To classmates:
We have a special bond that many of us are realizing now via email.
If you are not "feeling the love", it's because you actively do not want to participate!

Thank you Kathy for taking the time to establish this blog.
Everyone else... here's a place to tell your stories, rant your grievances, and leave your email address for everyone to contact you.

My email address on my blog is valid. (Just click Greybeard or "Pitchpull" above.)
I look forward to hearing from you!


Purple Tabby said...

I'm just sitting here singing Onward Trojans in the same bad singing voice I had as a student.

Since I couldn’t make the reunion, I am REALLY looking forward to hearing from classmates and friends.

We had such a wonderful beginning to our lives in that small Midwestern haven.

I will be forever grateful to Mr. & Mrs. Vandy, Mr. and Mrs. C, and so many other teachers and parents for giving us a safe, fun and nurturing place to grow.

the golden horse said...

Hey, Kathy and Dave,

Great job and what a nice idea.
What wonderful memories we all have and how lucky we were to live in that little area of Indy.
Another person I heard the highest regard for was Mr. Woodie Wilson. I can still hear him whistle between his teeth and the silence that fell in the halls, and him speaking in that booming voice, "you, here, now," and it happened now. No questions asked and no back talking. Can't wait to hear from everyone.

Mommanurse said...

I was a different era than most of you, known mostly as "Dave's little sister" I'm afraid it is a name that has stuck....could be much worse. I feel bad for our children that they don't have the environment that we had, it was a world all it's own. Even when I was there, I knew it was a good place to be, I didn't yearn to "get out of here", even though I did. I was at the tail end of the life span of the elementary to high school world at CG, it wasn't long after my graduation date that the satellite elementary schools began to open, and that tolled the bell for the end of an era. I'm so glad to have been there for it.
Will also be grateful for the opportunity to reminisce over things I was aware of and learn of things I wasn't.

Purple Tabby said...

Greybeard, I have to tell ya a silly thing. I seem to have intermittent dyslexia and when I read the title of your entry, I read "A Distinct Horror" ,,, which of course my be true for Mr V in that that some of his kids just won't go away! They just find more high tech ways of hanging around!

Greybeard said...

"The kids that WOULDN'T LEAVE!"

TwoDogs said...

Hey, I know a couple of those kids!