Thursday, February 23, 2006


Some time ago I discussed on my blog the changes that these infernal machines have made to communication in my family.
I convinced my parents to buy a WebTV system, and our line of communication was dramatically improved, instantly.
We communicated via email, and MSN Instant Messenger.

Dad was an early riser. Working nights, I'd frequently be poking away at the computer at work, and he'd pop up on MSN IM and we'd chat for a while.......and I do mean for a while, because Dad's fingers were huge and he had to use the "single finger-hunt and peck" method of typing. His responses seemed terse, but it was because he wanted to keep the chat moving reasonably quickly and he normally gave one and two word answers to my queries.

My sister's Nom de Plume is Mommanurse. If you read her blog "Hurricanes, Hot Flashes, and Feather Pillows" listed on the blogroll, you'll not only see better writing than comes from my keyboard thrusts, but you'll get a chuckle now and then too! She can flat put words on paper in a way that will touch and entertain you.
Like me, Sis works nights, so we frequently find ourselves with a "cuppa" in front of us in the morning before hitting the sack, checking our email and looking to see if the other is online to catch up on the latest gossip, etc..

This morning I was discussing the biography I had posted here on Vandy's Kids, and the concerns I had about publishing the *#*# thing. I'm always concerned about looking like the "showboat", trying to draw attention to myself. I think we all like attention....I'm no different in that sense, but I hoped that by posting my bio and showing a few of my "warts", others would feel more motivated to tell their post-CGHS stories in detail.

Sis made a comment that shows how naive I can be:
Others may not have the same "warm and fuzzies" that I have about my High School years.
(PT's earlier comments about Mrs. T. were an indication of that.)
Okay, in the back of my mind I knew that. Why didn't I know it in the front of my mind?
(That's what sister's are for, right?)

At the mini-reunion at Karen's I apologized to one of the attendees because I know I treated him poorly while we were in school. He accepted my apology graciously and went on sharing his life with me as if to say, "no big deal". But I know his CGHS experience was totally different from mine, and I'd love to hear the story of the last 40 years of his life in detail, because you can tell from his body language (and the way he looks at his wife) that he's perfectly comfortable in his own skin, in spite of being abused by one idiot classmate.

So I'll just say it here, but I won't get my hopes up too high......
I hope this site begins to draw more and more schoolmates and friends.
We all have interesting stories to tell about the landmarks in our lives, even if our time at Center Grove was not a bed of roses..........maybe those stories would be even more interesting!

My story is out there for comments- good, and bad.
You have a story to tell too.
Don't be selfish.


TwoDogs said...

GB - Your Lil Sis is a very smart person. Very witty, too.. She is absolutely right. Not everyone has "warm and fuzzy" thoughts about their time at CG. I have heard from more than a couple of them pointing this exact same thing out. We have all grown to understand that alot of the stuff that we had to endure during school is just that. Stuff that we had to endure. It is what life is all about - kind of. We also need to know that some of the daggers that we threw - stuck and may not be easily pulled out. Sometimes scars are left. Sometimes not. Again, that's life. I understand where you are coming from (been there, done that) and hopefully, the interactions that we are having on Vandys Kids will mend some of that. We need to get more people involved here. I'm not sure that we can save the World, But, we may be able to make that scar seem smaller and at the same time help ourselves.. PS I like what your Mom said in comments to your Bio. She is also a very smart and witty person. I certainly haven't known you as long as she has - But, it's true. I've known you to be a real Character for a long time now!

Purple Tabby said...

GB I can sympathize with those who are reluctant to post; I wrestle with the idea myself.

“What to say, how to say it, do I really want to put stuff on the internet for people I don't know to see? What if I don't write clearly and someone takes the wrong meaning? What if I hurt someone's feelings, what if I post a memory and someone blasts me for it? ” :::sigh:::

Well, the Cliff notes version of my answer to myself is to not worry about so many things. The Blog will evolve on its own. People will add things as they feel comfortable.

Some folks just have no interest in computer stuff. Indeed we may all lose interest in Blogging in time.

I think we just have to wait, watch and enjoy VK as it develops

Greybeard said...

"And what if.....and someone blasts me for it?"

A great question, and a valid one.
But you are among friends here who, I would hope, would try to understand your meaning before jumping to conclusions.

Also, remember that if you screw up, it's not irredeemable. (Wow, that was neat to type! Don't I sound smart?)

We have all seen the "comment deleted by author" phrase. It's a good one. I think it normally means that someone had second thoughts about wording, or the way a comment could be misinterpreted, and it was simply flushed down the toilet. I know of a full post that someone published, then worried about it and deleted the whole thing. I think that was a mistake, but if it made the author more comfortable to handle it that way, good deal.

Like Ferdy, I'm just havin' a gas here. I'm continually amazed at how much we (generally) think alike. It makes me smile from my core. I'm disappointed to come to VK in the morning and find that damn Greybeard post is still the last one there.

If you post something about me that hurts my feelings, I would hope that the problem was my incorrect interpretation of what you said. I certainly have easy access to email to quiz you as to your meaning, or to this comment section to get a more public explanation. I guess I don't understand the problem.

Way back when, a buddy told me, "faint heart ne'er won fair maiden".
I started approaching girls I was attracted to more often, and found I could generally get a date with them.
The same holds true here. Do you enjoy reading the crap I post?
Believe me, EVERYONE enjoys reading everyone else's thoughts.

C'mon people, we are brothers and sisters here.