Thursday, February 09, 2006

Retirement? Already?

Is it possible that some of us are close to retirement age? How did that happen?

What have you been doing? Where has life taken you?

I’m still a nurse, working part-time as a Diabetes Educator. I was in the AF Reserve for many years and recently retired, much to my dismay. They said I had stayed as long as was allowed and had to figure out something else to do with my time. :::sigh:::

My husband and I live near Dallas-Ft Worth. Neither of us have children so it’s just the two of us and a couple of cats. We’re semi-active in the local Methodist Church and I do volunteer work for the Fire and Police Departments. (I hope to learn how to fix a speeding ticket, soon).

Sewing and listening to audio books keep me busy but not out of trouble. I still have lots of family in Indy and Mark has a few relatives in Iowa; that’s where most of our vacation time goes. Both of our mother’s had stokes last Summer, within two weeks of each other, so we have had many trips home for that reason.

This Easter, we plan to go back to Indy again and I hope we can host a Class get-together then. Detailed plans are still a little sketchy but if you email me, I will keep you in the loop. (I’ve already heard from Two Dogs, Greybeard, Golden Horse and FerdyFlyer)

I’m SO excited about seeing you all again! TD said he would go with me to see Vandy!! Anyone else want to go?

But back to my question: What have you been doing since 1965?


Greybeard said...

Yes, it's hard to believe we are approaching the possibility of retirement.
All through my High School years I heard my Dad say, "If I had stayed in the Army, I'd be retired now."
I took it to heart, and intended to stay on active duty until I could retire at 39, but the Army had different ideas.

Our ideas of "retirement" may be much different than how our parents defined the word.
When you "retire", are you really gonna retire? I probably won't.
My idea of retirement is to start making money at something I really want to do......
Wal-Mart greeter? What a wonderful job!

I'd be interested also in hearing how others have planned for retirement. Are you an Ant, or a Grasshopper? (Grasshoppers probably won't admit it!)

I'd categorize myself as a squirrel. I have put just a few "nuts" away each year for as long as I can remember. Retirement will be a way to spend time with a smile on my face.....even if I'm saying, "Welcome to Wal-Mart! Enjoy your shopping!"

(And FF.....instead of putting a mini-biography here in the comments, I'd really like to see a full Blog Post for all contributors, going into more detail about what has happened since '65.
Ya can't do that justice in the comment section!)

Purple Tabby said...

Ronnie G sent this note today and said I could share it:

"Yeah, we're all in Colorado Springs. Bill, my son, and I own/operate one of the biggest pool rooms in Colorado.

I don't get to Indy very often. I moved my parents out here in 1995. They are now living at an assisted living center. Mom is almost 90 and Dad is going to be 87 in May.

Last May, we moved my Mother-in-law to the same place as Mom and Dad. That makes caring for them so much easier.

I'm building our retirement home in the Mountains near Breckenridge. It's a log home surrounded by mature aspen trees.

My marathon days are over-bad knees. But I'm an avid skier.

Bill plays a lot of golf and racketball. His daughter married a lawyer and they live in Manhattan with their new daughter.

Oh, and they have a weekend home in the Hamptons! She works for the Federal Reserve--she looks just like Bill."

Ron G spends his weekends in the mountains building their house so he doesn't log on often.

Ronnie and Bill, who are cousins, were neighbors and lived around the corner from Marty U and Rocky S. (my 6th grade heart throb)

No doubt they have some great stories to tell about growing up in "Mayberry USA" and I hope they find time to write about The Gang of Four!