Friday, March 24, 2006

24 March Smorgasbord

Gone Fishin',
Gone Quiltin',
Gone doin' good deeds for hurricane victims.

All gone?..........I don't think so!

You know you have something to say!


Purple Tabby said...

I'm back,,, got lots to say,,,got even more to do but will try to balance things out after this weekend. Right now, CINC House is taking me out for dinner.

I'm just thrilled that FlyGirl and Jerry's daughter connected! How amazing is that!? I sent her an email and invited her and her family to the reunion; I sure hope she can make it.

Oops, he's giving me the 5 minute warning for the third time.


Flygirl said...

Glad you're back... I know you had a great Quilt-In.

I'll get in my attic this weekend and get Jerry's letters for Kelly. I'm thrilled to give them to her. I don't have bunches of letters; maybe 8 or 9??? But, if I had only 1, that would be so wonderful for her to have it!

Hope you had a good dinner! We went out for Italian tonight...Big Friday night out on the town! OMG, we're so old...ha.