Sunday, April 23, 2006

Follow That Dream!

Coming South, spending mornings on the balcony is a sweet pain.

I didn't see them, but my earlier-rising Bro.-in-law saw 13 dolphins in groups of 3 and 4 swim West to East this morn.

The Flyer in me loves to watch the Pelicans making their way to their next meal....also in groups of 3 or 4.....amazingly gliding through the air with almost no wing flapping.....using the air currents provided by God.

The water against the shore is Turquoise. A football field from shore, it's Aquamarine. Halfway to the horizon it turns to Emerald. Where the water touches the sky, the color is blue-slate. Now and then, a swarming school of fish moves through our view, again changing the color of the water to Green/Black. It's a wonderful place to watch the day unfold.

I hope soon to spend more than a few weeks here every few months. We hope to retire here soon. But every time I turn around, I find myself committing to something that keeps me on the treadmill at home.

My son graduates college in December. That is the last true impediment to our coming South, at least on a part-time basis.
Making the change.......moving South, at least during the Winter months, will mean a huge adjustment on our part.....and that big adjustment scares me.
Don't we all suffer anxiety....sometimes even stress.....even when the adjustment results in something you know you'll love?

Tools and I have talked about his decision to move to Galveston and his reasoning behind the move. He has not regretted his decision for one moment.

I need to plan. I need to start the ball rolling.
I need to "pull the trigger".


BoMarGirl said...

I thoght I was reading Hemmingway for a minute there! Actually, I am green with envy. Your place sounds so peaceful and good for the soul. Enjoy yourself....I just heard our weather this week is going to cool down; 30-40's at night...50-60's daytime. I love spring but your know how it is here in White River Township..."Home of the Trojans" , the weather can change in the blink of your eye.

Hope you all have a great time. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathy, hope it's not too late to sign two more on for the big Saturday event! Sounds like great fun. We missed the reunion last summer so it's been a long time since I've seen everyone. So anxious to be with you. If it's too late for the food then just count us in on the fun. This is a tremendous idea. Thanks for planning it!!!!!

Hawkeye said...

Mrs. Hawkeye here - Wow GB, this writing thing is definately for you. I agree with Bomargirl, I feel like I was reading Hemmingway for a minute! If someone had never seen the ocean, your description would take them there. I can feel the peace in my soul that comes to me when I am near the ocean and smelling that sweet salt air. So enjoyed reading your story.