Friday, September 01, 2006

Union, Nineveh, and Trafalgar

One of the blogs I read and enjoy is written by a guy that today is lamenting the fact that his High School is being closed. The census is such that there are not enough students to keep his school open.

I've written here on several occasions how I feel when I come home and see the dramatic changes...... and the whole area has changed so much that I get lost looking for old landmarks. But when I come home for the Alumni Banquet, the dinner is held on the grounds where I attended school for 12 years, and some of the same structures where we walked, learned, and played are still standing.

It set me to thinking. How do those folks that have experienced the loss of their schools feel? Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't Trafalgar, Union, Nineveh, (others?), all been consolidated into one school?
(Indian Creek? I'm not sure.)

I think having the school and it's traditions disappear completely would be another of those things that would make me melancholy. It's comforting to know that there is a continuing line of Trojans learning and graduating at the school I attended.

Maybe this is a subject we should ask O.J. and others to address in October? I'd be interested in hearing their views.

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