Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Night Out - Update

A Night Out, Sat Sept. 15, 2007. We will visit with friends and classmates, enjoy a buffet diner and then watch the tried and true -laugh out loud “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” at the Beef and Boards Dinner Theater. Come join us for this Night Out. Singles, couples, it really doesn't matter - you will be with friends and everyone deserves a night out once in a while. This is still a couple of months out – plenty of time to clear your calendars. But, don't wait too long to decide. Right now, there are plenty of good tables available. And they should be able to group us close together, Up front and center. It will be fun so, Check your calendars and let me know as soon as possible. Call me or email me if you have questions. You can also go to for information. Respond via VKs or email and I will be in contact.


TwoDogs said...

So far, there are 11 of us 'signed on' for this Night Out. I know that there may be a few more out there in Blogland (or maybe somewhere else) thinking about joining us. If you are among either group, we would like for you to join us - it will be fun. The invitation is out there for VKs, Class of 65s, Teachers, etc., etc. If you know of anyone that may be interested - please let them know. Then let me know... Thanks!

Greybeard said...

Review here.
A good meal and lots of fun!
Come join us.

Hawkeye said...

I talked to John T. today and he said he was going as a single. Barb will be in Florida. He wants to know who to pay and how much it will be, spread over the next 3 months.

TwoDogs said...

That's Great.. Tell him that I will let him know. And Yes, he can spread the payments over 3 month .....

with interest, of course!