Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fright Night-

To this day I get 'em confused. Do you?

Bein' bored, pokin' around the 'net has its' rewards. Sometimes I find something I think is worth sharin' with ya.
Take a trip down memory lane
here first,
then click here and here.

At our house, a fire in the fireplace kept the shivers from the outside cold (and what we were watching on TV), from getting out of control on Winter nights.
Fond memories!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember Selwin on Friday nights and his "Jungle Selwin" skits with the vines, but I don’t remember much else about him. He was more funny then scary. At the time I thought his skits were stupid and I just wanted him to get back to the movie! Selwin ended his tenure in 1963.

After that, I started watching Sammy Terry on WTTV-Channel 4. He is more vivid in my memories, and I liked him better. Although his skits were a little corny, he had more staying power. He also had celeb guests on, from time to time, I think.