Saturday, July 12, 2008

Paul Davis 1948-2008


Greybeard said...

I dood it!
Take a look above Vandy's head...
Our new Sitemeter!

TwoDogs said...

Good Work, GreyBeard!

Now, Is that Angelina (aka PT) dancing in this video?

the golden horse said...

Does this mean I can't sit here nude anymore cause you have a SITEmeter????

Greybeard said...

How long have you been into that T-Bird, TD? A quart of it gone yet? I'm still seeing a nebulous, colorful outline during the video.
"Hey Sara Jean... I'll have what TD's having!"

TwoDogs said...

GoldenGirl, The last time GB and SJ came to visit, he showed us how to link up with the camera and communicate over the web. Just out of curiosity - Do you have that same capability????

I'll start paying a little more attention to the sitemeter now.

How about you, GB?

Night Train - when I can find it.
I do know a place where I can get Thunderbird at a pretty good price - but, the last time I bought some from my friend, it tasted funny and after closer examination, I discovered that the seal was missing.

the golden horse said...


I have so many capabilites, I am sure that is just one of many.
Are you sure, that is all that he showed you?
Actually, I did have it at one time and when we moved, I didn't restart. But I did get to see GB in his finest when we communicated.
I will leave it at that.
And you have to be careful with those sitemeters. lol

the golden horse said...

Is this me on 'rooms, or is there just a colorful amboeba dancing on my screen?

TwoDogs said...

Please explain "Finest" !

the golden horse said...

Finest means just what I said. Good girls don't tell.
Actually, it has something to do with his flight suit.