Friday, July 11, 2008

Count Me In!

(You'll know if it's you I'm talking to!)
I don't know if you ever come by "Vandy's Kids", so you may not even see this post, but I think of you more often than you might imagine. I'm hopeful you are a "lurker" who comes by once in a while to check us out, never leaving a comment... lots of folks behave that way.

I was poking around "YouTube" today... saw and played this tune and the memories came rushing back...

The 6o minute kiss, just to see if we could do it.
Breathing through one another's nose during that kiss... just to see if we could do it.

The long, late night motorcycle rides to WIFE's "Window on the World" and then around downtown... rides so long our butts would get numb and we'd have trouble walking when we dismounted the bike.

You wanting me to sing "Count Me In" at the top of my lungs when we'd hear it on the radio.

Yeah, we had a pretty tempestuous relationship at times, but it was always fun making up, wasn't it? We haven't seen one another for decades. I'd love to know how life is treating you!
Now VK's, indulge me while I turn VERY serious and scold TwoDogs for a moment.
A couple weeks ago Cinders sent me a note with bad news. I expected TD to publish a post asking for your prayers, and since he hasn't, I will. (Now you can chew on me, TD!)
Her young cousin, Matt Wheeler, had been badly burned in a refueling accident in Iraq. Initial information was sketchy, but we all knew if Matt was really serious the ARMY would transport him to the Burn Center at Ft. Sam Houston quickly. Matt was in San Antonio as soon as they could safely get him there. He's burned over 60 percent of his body and has been on a roller coaster trying to stay alive. He's a tough kid... showing a strong will to live. You can go to this website and click where you see "Read Journal" to catch up on Matt's injury and treatment up to this point, or click "Visit Guestbook" to read the messages others have left, praying for and supporting him and his family. This kid is still in a heap of medical trouble and can use all the good vibrations we can send his way, so leave a message yourself if you are touched.

Thank you all. Now...
It's "Open forum Friday". Give us your news!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, so sorry to hear that Cinders cousin is so badly burned. Thank goodness he is in the burn center where he will get excellent care; even with that the going is tough and painful. He will be in my prayers.

LOVE the song GB, but I have to tell ya that I've never tried to breath through someones nostrils other than my own!


Greybeard said...

Quick Bo...
Call Clint and tell him you need his help with an experiment!

Anonymous said...

I think Clint and I need a demonstration first!


TwoDogs said...

Thanks, GB, for posting that information on Matthew. He is, for sure - a fighter.

As Greybeard said, If you can send him some 'Good Vibrations'; Please do! He has a long and winding road ahead of him. Lots of love and support from family and friends will help him along this journey. Please feel free to visit the CaringBridge site to check on Matt. His Mother, Janet, grew up in Southport (for the most part), she is not quite a VK, but close enough. In an earlier post, I talked a little bit about 'Our Community'. An excerpt from that post reads: "Although we could never call Greenwood, Whiteland and Franklin or Southport “our community” - as we acquired friends from these places – these places became almost like our Community." Cinders also grew up in Southport, but today, she considers herself a VK. I have to remind her constantly that she is not.... Bo - I'm just kidding! I think she fits in pretty well with the rest of us. Don't you?

Bo and Greybeard/Sara Jean, Thanks You for thinking about Matt. Keep those 'Good Vibrations' coming... Matt needs them!

TwoDogs said...

Now, getting to the first part of this post - Who is (You'll know if it's you I'm talking to!)????? Is this another 'guess who' or should we leave well enough alone? Most of the other 'Who is this person?' had pictures. Will we get to see a picture? And the kiss - 60 minutes - there had to be more than just the kiss. Well, if you are breathing thru the other person's nostril, Maybe not.. But, I have to ask - Is that considered foreplay?

Ok, on to the questions. Let's see, maybe 1964, Riding a scooter - Had to at least 16. Numb butt probably means not much padding - so she was slender. Ok, what else? Redhead? Younger than you? Valley girl? Did she have an older brother? And you think she might now be a lurker, but you haven't seen in decades... Narrows it down a bit. Gotta ask, though, It wasn't one of my old flames, Was it?? That would narrow it down a bunch, I only had one or two all through school. Gary Lewis had another hit out about the same time "This Diamond Ring". Didn't get that serious, Did it?

GoldenGirl, Bo, Echo - help me out here. Do we know this person?? Does GB want us to know this person??

Greybeard said...

TD and all...
First, the serious subject-
Matt definitely has a tough road ahead. His Mother Janet has referred to his recovery as a "Marathon", and she couldn't be more correct. His body and will are now being tested to their limits. He'll have one physical trial after another for some time, and his will to live will be the determinant as to whether or not he wants to continue the race. It's gotta help to have a cheering section of hundreds of new "family members" out there rooting you on! I hope most VK's will think of him now and then and leave a note at Caring Bridge to let him know they are in his corner.

Now, about the mystery gal...
NOT one of your old flames, but you knew this gal, (and she was certainly padded in the right places!) I am not at all sure she lurks here... I've got to take time to re-install a sitemeter so we have some idea who is popping by, and from where! But it's a warm thought that she might have heard about VK and come take a look now and then.

Hawkeye and TPO both know who I'm referring to here, so I'll ask them to help keep the secret. (And by the way, I got a wonderful note from TPO yesterday who admitted he does lurk here... and TPO, you misread 60 minutes as 60 seconds!)
A minor hint here TD, which probably won't help you much...
This was definitely on a cycle, NOT a scooter, and she had an older sister.

And you bet... "This Diamond Ring" was another Gary Lewis and the Playboys, hit, along with "Save Your Heart For Me", "Green Grass", and "Everybody Loves A Clown".
Wikipedia has a good rundown on his career.

the golden horse said...

Glad to hear it was on a cycle and not in the back of a TBird. LOL
For the rest I am pleading the 5th.
That would make you very dexterious though, would like to see a rerun on that. And, was the cycle sitting still????

Hey, TPO and Hawk, how much would it take for you to cough the answer up????


I have thought alot about Matt and have been sending tons of Good Vibrations his way. You know me, I am a softie when it comes to our wonderful military.
May God BLess Him and his family.
Say hello to Cinders for me please.

Purple Tabby said...

It’s okay, Greybeard. You don’t have to protect my identity any longer; I will confess.

Yes, it was me and I learned so much while we were experimenting. I learned I could breathe through your nose – which was amazing because with my allergies, I could barely breathe through my own.

And the kiss really was 60 minutes long. GB it was more than I ever dreamed a kiss could be. I still sigh when I think of it. Of course, it would have been a lot shorter if our braces hadn’t been locked. Still, it was wonderful and I learned to take my thrills where I found them. I could have done without that trip to the hardware store, though.

Ah, I have such found memories of riding behind you on your motorcycle and holding on so tight. It was so nice of you to let me shift gears. I’ve never known a motorcycle to have a stick shift since that last trip with you. In fact, the Harvey Davis store tells me that model never existed. BUT I know that it did. We had so much fun and smiled so much, it took us forever to get the bugs out of our teeth. :::sigh:: :

Thanks for the sweet and crunchy memories, GB

TwoDogs said...

GB, It was one of my old Flames! It was Purple Tabby (I knew it all along!) - Always had a crush on her. Seemed to be very one sided though... Don't you remember me always trying to sit next to you in class? It wasn't just because you were smart and I needed help. (Although I did need the help)
And PT - Typically, the shifting done on a Motorbike is done by the foot. You have been hoodwinked! Or maybe not!

OK - not a redhead, not a Valley Girl. And padded in all the right places. I SHOULD know her. I did have a couple of names in mind, but not now. Younger/Older?

Anonymous said...

I flirted with you and you ignored me. I KNEW there was another girl catching your eye but never knew who. O.K., the time has come, the time is now; DAR tell us who was your secret "pal".


Anonymous said...

I've always thought of Cinders as a Vandy Kid....she's my pal whether she wants to be or not!


Purple Tabby said...

TD - not a redhead? nicely curved? Must have been Angelina Jolie.

She and I are often mistaken for one another.
(well, from far away,,, like Mars)

TwoDogs said...

PT, Yes, At times, I can see the resemblance!

BTW, on a different subject - GoldenGirl said that I was going to have to stay away from that cheap wine.... I let her know that Thunderbird was not so cheap nowadays. Now that I think about it - It may all be related...

And Bo, If you would have flirted with me - Trust me, I would have noticed.

Yes, GB, the time has come. Tell us.

Greybeard said...

Now wait a second!
It's my secret... I'll be the judge of when it's time to tell! Like the story I told here some time ago, I'm enjoying this thoroughly!
I'm trying to think of a hint that won't give it away completely...
So you know she had an older sister.
The two gals had the same first initials.
And Bo, I was an idiot. I'm still frequently accused of thinking gals are just being friendly while Sara Jean is furious with me.
Then and now, you have to hit me with a 2X4!

Anonymous said...

HOLY SMOKES! Now we have to think of 2 girls whose names start with the same letter...are you SURE their name starts with the same letter? I'm thinking the Dorrell girls.


Anonymous said...

Could that initial be a "B" ?

Greybeard said...

No, it's a "C".

Purple Tabby said...

I'd like to buy a vowel. "E"

the golden horse said...

Let's see the letter "C" and PT bought a vowel, wow, this is getting good.
Was she a CGHS gal??
With having the padding in the right places, that leaves me out.
I remember a story about GB and making out, but it wasn't on a motorcycle. Brown county comes to mind, but she didn't have a older sister. I'm thinking, I'm thinking.
Was she older or younger or the same age as you???You have to give some here GB.
I think it is time to put the pressure on Hawk. I bet he knows.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking GB must have taken more than one girl to a state park to make out.


Anonymous said...

GreyBeard's a TWO-TIMER!!


the golden horse said...

You always have to watch the quiet guys Ferdy.