Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday The 13th, Part Two-

So February has 28 days in a non-leap year... exactly four weeks.
Stupid me... I was still surprised to see we'd have another Freaky Friday in March, but it had to be, didn't it?

Sara Jean is taking the train to Chicago this evening to visit with family, leaving Lucy and her Pop to fend for themselves until Monday evening. I'm glad she's going. I'm glad I'm not!

Do you remember "Railroadmen's Federal Savings and Loan"? For some reason I've been thinking about that now defunct S&L this week. When I was a kid I had a metal bank shaped like a steam locomotive that we got from them. You could put a coin in a slot over the cab of the locomotive, and a spring would shoot the coin into the bank through a coin-shaped hole in the smokestack. It's a fond memory, and like so many memories, caused me to wonder what that bank might be worth to collectors today.
Maybe you have one? (Don't get me talking about what my old Lionel train set would be worth today!)

Fox News is just reporting the flooding in Warsaw, Indiana is the worst there in 50 years. The Mississippi in St. Louis rose 20 feet on Tuesday due to rain and snow melt in the tributaries up North. Are we in for another wet Spring?

Hope you're making plans to come to TC and Sharon's on the 29th. I promise, new friends will quickly become old friends! Be there.

Now, I know you have news.


Rita said...

I do remember Railroadman's and I also remember Morris Plan.

For some reason something just reminded me of the Tony Kiritis and his hostage Dick Hall.

It will be hard to ever forget that moment when they interrupted TV and with a live feed showed Kiritis saying every word George Carlton said would never be on TV.

I just looked it up. Hall worked for Meridian Mortgage. Not sure why Railroadmans and Morris Plan rang that memory bell.

TwoDogs said...

12 for dinner at O’Charleys on Friday. Had a great time. Good to see all. Restaurant was very accommodating, service was great, food was very good. At approx. 6:15, they had two tables ready for us. We all found our places around the two tables. When it was discovered that we could all get around one long table, we (Thanks, Barb!) asked the waitress if she could make that happen. She left and came back with a couple of guys and they were able to move things around for us. One table made it very nice to visit and talk. And talk we did. We pretty much talked thru dinner - thru dessert and after - until about 10:30 or so. Then we moved to the Lobby and talked some more. This group never ceases to amaze me - how well we click.. One new face to the group - RS - great to see you. Please - join us whenever you can. Missed all of those that couldn’t make it. Hope to see everyone in Chandler on the 29th. Let TopCat know if you are planning on attending.

Unknown said...

I had one of those banks, wonder what ever happened to mine?