Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Buy 'Em By The Sack

You have until July 12th...
here for your freebie.
(You can thank me when I see ya on 15 August.)


Cissy Apple said...

I knew when I saw the title what your blog would be about. Just glad there isn't one of these establishments close to us. I would weigh 500 pounds. Love these things.

Got a little story about White Castles. My friend and neighbor Penny and her boyfriend Bob fixed me up with Bob's cousin from Tennessee. (I didn't know until later that he was looking for a last-minute fling before the turd's wedding...but not to worry. I'm way smarter than that!)

Anyway, during the date the guys took us to White Castle to grab some burgers. "Lover-boy" had never been to a White Castle and knew nothing about them.

He asked me what I wanted, and me being a 98-pound teen, told him I wanted five White Castles. "FIVE!!?????", he said with a look of surprise on his face. "They're small", Bob told him. "They're only 12 cents", I said.

The SOB thought he was going to get lucky based on a 60-cent dinner? Think again, jerk. At least next time spring for a Coke too.

Anonymous said...


This is such a cute story.

I have one to go with this. As many of you know I was engaged in high school and got married right after to a jerk who was in the Marines. We got married while he was home on leave. We had a lovely wedding (white gown and all).

After the reception we was going back to his sisters house to spend the last couple of days he had left on leave before he left for a second tour in Viet Nam.

Here I am dressed still in my white wedding gown etc. and on the way he said let's stop and get some dinner. I thought cool here I am in my gown and all it would really be something to remember.

So he pulls into the White Castle get's out in his tux and goes in and buys a bag of White Castles.

You should have seen the expression on peoples faces. Here is the car all painted up with JUST MARRIED ETC, me in a gown and vail sitting in the car and he buys White Castles.

I think this should have been a hint of some kind. HAHAHAHAHA


Cissy Apple said...

Hey, check out White Castle's website. There's a contest for White Castle stories. Maybe we should enter!