Friday, March 26, 2010

Open All Night

I've always been a nightowl. Back in the days we were walking the creaking floors of the old middle building my Friday and Saturday nights would find me awake until 3 A.M. or so, then sleeping in until 11-12 O'Clock.
(And that sleep schedule made Monday mornings mighty difficult.)
But thinkin' about those days dredged a couple stories up from 'way back in the grey matter-

The Greybeard garage was a place to congregate.
A great tool inventory, plenty of available light, Jacks/jackstands, a lift for pulling engines, and a radio for top 40, news, weather, and sports.
Near perfection.
It was perfectly normal to find several teen-aged boys changing a clutch/pressure plate/throwout bearing at 1 A.M. Saturday morning at Greybeard's folk's place. We'd listen to Rock-n-Roll on WIBC until midnight, then when "Dawnbeat" came on we'd try switching over to WLS out of Chicago so we didn't have to listen to the elevator music Dawnbeat offered. Sometimes Dick Biondi would be on WLS... (Remember "Greasy Kid Stuff"?)

Fond memories...
And part of the reason they are fond memories is because IF, in the middle of our mechanic-ing efforts we broke something or found something worn out that we didn't expect, we knew we could call "Hi-Way Parts" and check to see if they had what we needed. Hi-Way Parts was "Open All Night"!
I wish I had a nickel for every muffler and tailpipe I've changed in the wee hours using parts procured from Hi-Way parts...
I could now buy a fine cuppa Joe!

When the wrench-twisting was done and our stomachs were growling, we'd head to the newly opened "White Castle" on Madison Avenue...
Open All Night...
What an interesting place to be at 3 A.M.! It's understatement to say the clientele there at that hour was "diverse".
I can remember standing in line with TPO one morning when he informed me the reason White Castle's burgers were so cheap was because they were made from "lame cows". White Castle got 'em for bottom dollar 'cause no one else wanted 'em!
At the cash register, the name-tag on the gal said "Betty", and beneath that it said "Manager".
From that point on, any time we saw her we referred to her as "Betty Manager". Betty Manager tolerated us with a big smile.

It may have been that same morning that a VERY drunk, mid-twenties black man in front of me started singing...
"La di dah di di... La di dah di die." (Sonny's part from Sonny and Cher's "The Beat Goes On".)
He turned to me and with a mostly-toothy grin and said, "I wrote that!"
"You wrote what?"
"That part of that song. They couldn't figure out what to put in there, so they called me. I told them what to put in there."

So now you can imagine what I think of every time I hear Sonny singing on the radio:
"La di dah di di... La di dah di die"... even these fifty or so years later.

Echo is knee deep in a Real Estate deal.
Cissy is thinking about going postal at her new/old job.
Rita is overworked and she and Bob need a trip to Alabama.
HF is thinkin' about catching fish.
GB and Sara Jean are headed to L.A. to visit Big Bubba this weekend.
Many of us are looking forward to fine fellowship and an adult beverage while overlooking lovely Lake Eufaula.
It's Friday Forum time.
Tell us...
What's upcoming on your agenda?


Cissy Apple said...

Just got back from picking up a CPAP machine (after being trained how to use it). I decided on the full facial mask, but also brought home the nose mask to give it a whirl. When I had to put the full-face mask on myself, I got up to look in the mirror. I decided that all I need is a helmet to look like a military jet pilot.

Can't wait to try it out tonight. Hopefully, I'll be a new person by Monday. Ya think?

Greybeard said...

New person?
But I liked the existing person!
(Hope it works for you.)
Chat with Carol... she uses one.

Anonymous said...

I use one also. I don't leave home without it. It is in the car before my suitcase. It helps get a good nights sleep.

GB I didn't work in your garage but the man who lived next door to us would call Dad and ask hin to make us stop playing b-ball at 12 to 1 am. He got up at 2 to deliver milk. Dad didn't like that call.
H of H&C

Rita said...

Cissy, Crown n Coke, Mom and Mike are taking me out for an early birthday lunch. Still working too much, but getting down to about 55 hour weeks now, so it's easier.

Bob is heading back to Fort Myers without me again on the 8th. I might be able to get away for a long weekend to join him, but by the time I add the cost of not working and the flight, it seems to be a waste of money.

I keep telling him I'm going to Hawaii for our 20th next year, and maybe he'll join me. ;) That was the only way I could get him on a one-week cruise for our 10th.

As soon as things calm down at work, I'm planning to spend a couple weeks on a real vacation, wish I could afford another Italy trip, but that might have to wait a little longer.

Have fun in AL. Catch (and eat) plenty of fish for me!

Cissy Apple said...

Yeah GB, but this might be a new and improved version of me. I hope it'll bring my blood pressure down to an acceptable level, at the very least. And to be alert during the day would also be a good thing.

So far I'm doing ok. The first night I had it on, I was just beginning to feel sleepy and then my nasal membranes swelled completely shut. I gave up around eleven, used some of my allergy nose spray, and then got on the Internet to see what might cause the swelling. From what I read, not enough moisture in the force air causes the nose to try to slow things down a bit by swelling.

I went back to bed after the swelling went down a bit, cranked the humidity full-speed, and then purposely breathed through my mouth to put even more moisture into the mask. That worked.

Last night was a little better, except for the horrible intestinal issues that got me up around 11 and kept me up until about 1. I don't know what I ate, but it paid me back.

The rest of the night was pretty good, and I didn't wake up until 8:15. Wow! That four hours later than what I'm used to!

I'll be sure to pack my machine for the big trip to Alabama. I'm going to need extra sleep to give me strengh for all those big fish I'll be catching and cooking.

TwoDogs said...

Didn't spend much time in your garage. Always knew that late night work was going on cause of the vehicle parked in your drive late at night. Knew most of them by sight. Back then, I didn't know a wrench from a screwdriver. Over the years, I have gotten a little more familiar with them. Still not a mechanic - never will be. Dad wasn't either - generally drove a car until it quit - then would take it to a garage or a car dealer to trade for a new one. Not very smart and I learned from that. My vehicles at least get serviced on a regular basis. Problem with me is after awhile, I get tired of looking at them and start looking around at the newer models.

I will buy my Ga. fishing license on line - toward the end of this week. You can get a non resident 1 year license for $45. They also have a 3 day license for $20. I will probably get the full year - hoping that I can use it more than this one time. Hope the weather is good.. if not, I know the company will be.....

Rita said...

Good news for me. The CIO told me today to join Bob in Florida, that we will be fine. If you haven't read my blog, you may not realize I BADLY need a rest.

Nothing like a little Florida sunshine, some stone crab clabs and laying around all day on a beach or by the pool. The only thing better is fishing, which I doubt we'll get in this trip.

Anonymous said...

Well here is an up date on the Lake. Water temp is 60. A good friend and I spent today 3-29-10 on the lake. Got a late start. We ended with a limit (5each). The largest was 4.5 and the smallest was 2. It did not get over 59 while we were fishing. I was really smart I didn't take a heavy coat. Glad we did not run any place.
They are working on the yards and houses for the tours. Thing are starting to come together.

Carol has started her list of things to take. I hope that 18 wheeler will hold it all. My job will be very simple PACK-IT.
Easter Eggs are all packed with candy (chocolate so our kids will be happy). I love giving the Grandkids lots of chocolate and sending them home....
GB we were in Destin Sunday good day.
I,m on spring break this week. We are NOT going to the beach with the college kids. Carol said I,m NOT to wear my speedo even to shower in (she doesn't want to see it either. Oh well). H of H&C

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with the above but I think it is interesting that I searched this A.M. expecting the Friday post to be up. Guess that's better than being LATE. Wait, late for what. . . . what did i miss?


Anonymous said...

dj - Did you April Fools yourself?

Don't feel bad. I thought today was Wednesday. I have no idea what day I thought yesterday was.
