Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Big Brother Loves You. Big Brother Is Your Friend.

Some of you already know this. Some of you don't. Some don't care.
And ya know what? It's all good.

Lots of us got together this weekend. There was a lotta laughter, even more smiles, some hugs, a few tears, and a lot of brain cells saved by memory-exercising conversation. I think most everyone that attended came away wishing we had more time to share.
I think all of us would like to see more of our schoolmates attending these functions.

It's not like we haven't tried. Let me fill you in on something you probably don't know, (and in the process I'm gonna embarrass him. I don't care.)
I did a little.
TD did a LOT.

To those he thought he had valid email addresses, he sent emails.
When some of those were returned, he added those names to the names he only had snail-mail addresses for and sent letters out to those.
When some of those came back as undeliverable, he got on the 'phone.
When he failed with some of those he contacted several of us for help finding his "lost sheep".
We're still looking for some of those sheep. I think the Wolf, (BigBad) may be involved here.

I threw up a post here at VK. Dan and several of us put up "Status Updates" at Facebook. That's the direction we have to go as we progress with these technologies, but we all know there will be folks like John T. that will resist dealing with these new-fangled gadgets 'til their dying breath.
So we gotta work together to overcome that. We're certainly aware there are some schoolmates that have NO interest whatsoever in these events.
It's all good.
But to the degree possible, we want to make sure that we are contacting everyone, so everyone can make the yea-nay decision.

I am now organizing and compiling a list of addresses we gathered during the alumni banquet. I'm gonna print that list and add to it any emails we think are current, so that those organizing events in the future will have an easier time contacting all of us. In that quest, we may contact you for assistance in finding some of those sheep that are just hiding in plain sight.

And if, after all this work trying to contact you, we hear you say, "Well, no one informed me....", there will be a terrible application of NOOGIES to certain skulls.

Don't make us stoop to that.

1 comment:

Cissy Apple said...

Funny you titled that "Big Brother..." I feel like I've got several new big brothers and big sisters. I just hope they treat me better than I treated my little siblings when we were growing up. Well, all except for Mike. He was a good kid and never required daily butt kickings.