Friday, June 18, 2010

Saturday's "Friday Forum".

Friday got away from me.
We spent the day outside, cleaning up the result of winds that brought a huge branch down on my neighbor's garage, caving it in and rendering him "auto-less" since his car was trapped inside. (Undamaged, thankfully.)
The worst damage we suffered was limbs/branches down everywhere on our 2-1/2 acre property. Some were so big I had to get out the chain saw to cut them down to size so I could pull them to the burn pile.

Ever hear anyone say "Green wood won't burn?"
It's hogwash, ya know?
If green wood won't burn, why are there forest fires?
Ya just have to get the fire hot enough to get combustion started.

So how do ya do that?
Burn a tire on top of your green brush.
That's hot.
It'll get-r-started.

And that's what I did yesterday. By sunset the lot was cleared and virtually all the green wood had been converted to hot coals. This morning I'm a little sore, but not so sore my butt cannot be placed on the mower to get this soon-to-be jungle under control.

But it's hot...
Where's my coozy?
Put that cold beer in there.
(Gotta stay hydrated, ya know!)

What're you doin' to make the world a prettier, better place?

It's an indication of how my mind works as I near retirement...
It also indicates how confusing it can be... this 7-day on, 7-day off schedule...
I mistakenly thought today was Saturday!
It's a gift, this extra day in my life!


Cissy Apple said...

I finally got around to clearing out and scrubbing my old Impala to prepare it for sale. I could only stand the heat for ten or fifteen minutes at a time, so it took me most of today. Now I have to put away all of the junk that was in the trunk of the car. was like a homeless person lived in that car.

Tomorrow we'll head to Evansville. I'm babysitting while the rest go for some wine/beer tasting function at the zoo. I'll have more fun with my granddaughters than being out in this heat!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for my kids to show up. My son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter are coming from Virginia. They should be here some time very early in the morning. My daughter, son-in-law, and grandson are coming from Indy. They should be here around noon tomorrow. My youngest daughter and her husband won't make it this weekend. She's in a wedding in Indy tomorrow. It's really, really hard to get all three kids here at the same time. They all have such busy lives.


TwoDogs said...

Extra days now are not a bad thing, GB. A couple of extra days every now and then would be nice. Seems that they fly by and when you look back, you wonder where all of the time went. But, Cinders and I have truly enjoyed the last few years of our VandysKids experience and all of the richness that it has brought into our lives. It is these times that I wish Life would just slow a bit.