Friday, July 09, 2010

Cool, Or Fool?

How often do you go through this exercise?
"If I had a chance to go back in time, would I ?"
And if you'd like to go back, how far would you go?

I imagine going back in time now and then, but generally come to the conclusion I'd just like to correct a wrong I did at a specific time, then return to the present. Life comes with pain spread intermittently throughout, and the only way I'd consider going back is if I could make changes. Of course making those changes would change EVERYTHING that followed, so if I stayed in that new life I'd soon find myself with new things that would cause me pain.
Who would want to go through that again?

And that brings me to the memories we discuss so often here...
Most, but not all of us, have wonderful memories of our days walking the CG halls.
And the folks that don't have great memories?
They may think some (many?) of the rest of us were cruel to them.
And... we MAY have been cruel to them.

I can remember going through life back then, making decisions looking through the "Cool or Fool?" lens.
Elvis was cool.
Kookie Byrnes was cool.
We were sure they never did anything stupid... never humiliated themselves.
Embarrassing yourself was just about the worst thing you could experience...
I didn't want anyone to be able to laugh at something stupid I did.
I suspect we all spent 'Way, 'WAY too much time looking through that lens, trying to avoid being laughed at. It's painful to think of how much time I wasted, worrying about what others thought. But I know I often was quick to ridicule others for their mistakes.
Shame on me.

Our earliest class reunions were similar experiences...
Who did what with their lives?
What work are you doing?
What are you driving?
All that... gone now.
Good riddance.

We're considering a few events for "minis" soon. You need to come. You'll enjoy yourself.
The only requirement I can think of?
Bring a smile and some memories to share.
We can talk about how Cool "Palladin" of "Have Gun, Will Travel" was!

It's Friday and I certainly hope you don't think I humiliated myself with this post, but criticize away if you must!


Rita said...

After meeting several of you '65ers, I'd assess that you are ALL cool.

Greybeard said...

Aww Rita, you're only sayin' that 'cause it's true!

Rita said...

Yep, and cause I was a nerd!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? I embarrassed myself every day in school....still do! It's just pitiful thats all.


Anonymous said...

Have a great 45th. Wish my brother known by his clasmates as Lamby could join you, but he and my 2 on 2 baseball-football-mulberry fight partner and State Road 135 neighbor Alex G, class of 64, are resting peacefully in the cool tombs. Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

How much we miss your brother and Alex. What great guys who are with the best in heaven.


Greybeard said...

Ahh, my friend Steve.
One of the genuinely good guys.
Gone way too soon.