Friday, August 27, 2010

What It's All About-

I've learned my lesson.
Until you're actually ready to buy, stay away from eBay!

Several close friends here are now riding motorcycles. I started thinking how nice it would be to have a bike and tag along with them. The fact that riding to work on two wheels rather than four would save me $5 per day in gas gave me all the excuse I needed. I decided Winter would be the best time to buy, but wanted to get a feel for the market right now. I've been fascinated by Italian bikes for years... Ducatis and Moto Guzzis, and the Guzzis are particularly of interest to me because their final drive system is a maintenance-free shaft, not a chain.
I went to eBay and entered "Moto Guzzi" in the search block. That was my mistake.

There was a bike there that was almost exactly what I wanted...
Fully faired, 1,000cc's, looking like a new machine, at a price I couldn't believe.
I bid on the thing and that bid ended up winning the auction. (The bike pictured above, although the wrong model year, looks exactly like the one I bid on. You can click it to enlarge.)

The bike was located in a little town near Erie, Pennsylvania.
I thought I'd have a couple weeks to go get it, but the seller just started a new job which will require him to be in Beijing, China by the end of the month. I had to go get the bike... like NOW.

I talked with my co-workers and got the time off. Then I called Cinders and TwoDogs, hoping to impose on their hospitality for a nights lodging, (and secretly hoping TD would consider coming along on the road trip!)
"You're coming to Indy? Great! You're driving to Pennsylvania? Want a co-driver?"
He read my mind!

We drove to Indy last Friday. Bright and early Saturday morning TD and I had breakfast, then picked up the "Penske" rental truck. We got on the road at 9:30 and the GPS lead us right to the seller's door at 4 P.M.. We visited with him a few minutes, secured the bike in the truck, and started back South-Westbound, getting back to Naptown at exactly midnight. Much of the drive was spent in the rain. Virtually all of the drive was spent talking about old times. (If you're reading this, we probably talked about you!)
But think of it...
I put myself into a "situation" by buying the bike, then called friends to ask for help.
They came through BIG TIME...
Two nights lodging and help driving almost 15 hours.

I know... you're not surprised at all, are you?
That's 'cause you're also a VK!
And that's what makes VK's so special, isn't it?

Hope to see you all October 9th... wherever we end up meeting.
In the meantime, take my advice-
Unless you're really ready to buy, stay away from eBay!


Anonymous said...

OH, it's beeeuuuutiiful!! You did good kid!


Cissy Apple said...

Too bad you couldn't have stayed a few days in that area for a "wine" vacation like we did. Hopefully, you at least took a spin around Presque Isle.

Please be careful on that bike...ok?

Anonymous said...

Let's see a picture of you and Sara Jean on that Bike.

How long has it been since you've ridden? (his nosy friend asked!)


Rita said...

You need to ask Bob about Ebay tips. He wheels and deals on there and knows how those auctions ACTUALLY work.