Tuesday, November 19, 2013

El Futbol Es Un Juego MUY Importante!

We're in Gilbert, Arizona, seemingly surrounded by folks speaking Spanish.
Thanks to Mrs. Vandermeer, I still catch a word now and then.
Gracias, Mrs. V...
Even though I was "muy perezoso", you were

"muy simpatico", and I can still pick up a book, magazine, or newspaper written in Spanish and sorta figure out what is being said.


Anonymous said...

One night I actually studied for a Spanish vocabulary test and the next day I got an 'A' (think it was a perfect score) and Mrs V. stopped the class to hand me back my test and congradulate me on the outcome. Needless to say, I didn't excell at Spanish. But of course I did learn all of the "slang" that might have been available. Enjoy the sun out West!!!


Anonymous said...

Hola, que tal amigo David. Muy bien? Que hora es? Es un Senora Read muy bien?
Buenos nochas,

Greybeard said...

Mi esposa es muy bien, y muy bonita tambien, Kathy.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember singing Christmas Carols in Spanish? I do, matter of fact it was so BAD I'll never forget," Casca Belles, Casca Belles, Tra la la la la!