Monday, January 01, 2007

The First Day of the Rest Of Our Lives

1 January 2007

It's an important day for me, not so much because it's New Year's Day, but because I met Sara Jean 26 years ago on New Year's Eve, then married her exactly 10 years later. (Sure makes it easy to remember the anniversary!)

Do you make resolutions for the year? I do.....
my perpetual resolution is about weight loss. I continually carry 15 to 20 extra pounds and would love to drop them. Funny thing is, I do a pretty good job of losing weight when I devote myself to it, but I never change my long-term eating habits, so the avoirdupois always slowly finds it's way back to my middle.

This year I want to make this commitment publicly here at "Vandy's Kids", to give myself extra incentive-
I intend to lose a pound a week. And this time I'm gonna keep it off.
By the time I see you at the DDFF, I'll be 20 pounds lighter than I am right now. Then, to keep it off, I'm gonna weigh myself weekly, and if I've gained a pound, I'll do what is necessary to drop it right away.

And about the DDFF mini......
I've warned our condo managers of the impending Trojan invasion, and I reserved two condos for May 3, 4, and 5, departing Sunday the 6th. I can reserve extra units and modify dates as necessary.
Sara Jean and I will be back in Destin in February. By that time I should have a better idea of how big our group will be, and I'll begin to firm up arrangements for a boat for the tournament.

So, everyone, be well and happy. It's my hope the coming year is safe and prosperous for us all, (and lighter for me!)

1 comment:

BoMarGirl said...

Bless Sara Jean! She put lots of love in her cooking and added TWENTY POUNDS TO GB!

My mom is 88; dad is 90. Mother has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Dad just had lower back surgery and now seems to be having mini strokes. My life for the last 8 months or so has been filled with doctor appointments, errands, etc. for them. Some days I have had 2 appointments for one and 2 for the other. By the end of the week I am exhausted; mentally, physically and emotionally. The advantage of being an "only child" you see is not so great. I love them both more than I can express but man oh man are they a challenge. The reason I am telling you all this is to explain that I want to attend the DDFF and right now I am planning to; but I never know what each day will bring in terms of their care. Hopefully, by that time I can have things worked out that I can be away for a few days (and throw myself overboard! HAH)

Mr.Bo (MEW) decided it would be a fun trip to see I've NEVER fished; so now he walks around with a look of smug amusement on his face picturing Bo out to sea with a fishing pole.(this would be a good time for a joke, GB!).

So, what do you think? Can I sign up or is the possibility of sick parents too risky? I don't want to mess up reservations. Should we get a motel room nearby in case Mom or Dad need me here? AAAAAGGGHH!! Help

If you lose 20 lbs. GB, the wind might just blow you right out of the boat....and that might be a Lady Trojan advantage. Possibly making up for my fishing ability.