Saturday, January 05, 2008

For Sci-Fi Fans-

UD&CS and other Stargate/Science Fiction fans should go check out my son's latest work!


Anonymous said...

GB - How proud you must be! Wow! That son of yours is doing so well. We do our best and hope our kids do positive things in this is so cool!

Mrs. Hawkeye

Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to be a Sci-Fi fan to appreciate that site....aren't our kids the greatest?


TwoDogs said...

Big Bubba has done some great work with this site. Also, a good photographer - he should try to market some of the photos he took in Hawaii - they are amazing!

Greybeard said...

And by the by...
the work you are looking at there at is part of the reason he has not yet produced all the Hawaii pictures. What we are planning now is to put all 1800 images in an online album and give you the address to go review them at your leisure.
BB is also in the middle of the debut of an advertising campaign at his full-time job for the sci-fi W.O.W. video game he is producing, so he's just been swamped with work.
Thanks for your patience, folks.

Anonymous said...

Tell BB: Great work.
Although, I'm sure he's already been told. I know you're proud of him, as well you should be.